All posts by Mrs Macgregor

Remembrance Service 2017

Primary 5/6, 6/7 and 7 shared with us the importance of Remembrance Day at our whole school service this morning. Well done to the confident readers who read facts and poems clearly and sang songs enthusiastically and to all children for showing respect during the minutes silence. Thanks also to the Reverend Mark McKeown for joining us and sharing with us some words about Sacrifice.

P5/6 Gymnastics Gurus!

Have a look at some of our gymnastics skills! We explored different rotations, balances and flight movements today. We especially liked using the box!

P4-7 Financial Education Workshop

Primaries 4 to 7 are taking part in financial education workshops this week. Today, we learned about when money first began to be used and identified the notes, coins and cards we use as tender in this country today. Thanks to Paula and Jamie for coming in to teach us and for giving us a money DVD each to take home!

We Will Remember Them

Parents, carers and friends of Glenmanor,

We are looking for photos of relatives who you would like to be remembered for their contributions to the wars of the past in our memorial service this year. If you have any photos of these friends or relatives, please ask your child to pass them to Mrs MacGregor or simply drop the photo into the school office with your name and number attached so we can take a copy and return the original to you. Their pictures and any facts about them will be included in a Powerpoint presentation during our Remembrance Day assembly.

Children who brought pictures and information of a relative last year, don’t need to bring it in again as a copy has been retained. Thanks in advance, Mrs MacGregor.