All posts by Mrs Quinn

Primary Six Homework Topic 1970s

Primary Six and The 1970s


This term P6 pupils will be reaserching a variety of information relating to the 1970s.  We will be using a variety of sources to find out about things such as fashion, music, sporting achievements, playground games, technology, decimlisation, local and world news events.

As a homework task, pupils have been asked to create a display of knowledge poster.   Children can either focus on one area or include a variety of their own choosing.  The layout is optional but should include relevant headings, graphics, photographs and some written detail.  Can I ask that posters be handed in by 23rd September please.

In class we have been learning to sing and dance to ‘Show me the way to Amarillo’ as well as learning about who The Bay City Rollers  were and learning  ‘Shang-a-lang’.   Not sure who is having the most fun!



P5/6 Cooking Up A Storm with Chef Adrian!

17 June 2015

Primary 5/6 had the most fantastic morning cooking up a storm with Irish celebrity chef Adrian, along with  Stewart from S Collins & Son Butchers, Muirhead. We were delighted that Natasha Tobin, Store Manager from our local Co-op, Stephen Moore, NLC Quality Improvement Officer (Health and Wellbeing)  and Dorothy-Ann Aubrey, NLC Focus on Food Development Officer were able to join us. We were also pleased that Jennifer and her mum came along too because we didn’t want them to miss this fantastic event!

Adrian and Stewart started off with a presentation. We learned about different cuts of  meat and where the cuts come from on the animal.  We also learned about the importance of being able to trace the origins of the meat we eat and how best to cook the different cuts.

Then we had a fabulous cookery demonstration where Chef Adrian created 3 wonderful dishes  –  steak with potato rosti, spring rolls and checken curry. Adrian helped us all become aware of the dangers of our unhealthy diets and the problems we will face in the future if we don’t educate ourselves on what we should be eating and how we should cook it. He also showed us how easy, delicious and healthy it is to cook from scratch using locally sourced ingredients.

After the cooking demonstrations, some of the pupils showed Adrian and Stewart the food we are growing in our school garden to achieve the grow it, cook it, eat it philosphy at Glenmanor. He was very impressed!

We would all like to say a massive thank you to Stewart Collins for giving us the oportunity to participate in this fantastic experience and we hope to work with him in the future.






This week we have been studying lines of symmetry  in shapes and  in nature as well as learning how to create symmetrical pictures.  We did some research on the Monarch butterfly which is a beautiful symmetrical creature and created oil pastel drawings.  Using black and white card we also learned how to make positive/negative symmetrical pictures.

P5/6 Garden Open Event

On Wednesday 27th May P5/6 invited parents and carers to help us in our school garden.  There was a big turn out from parents, grandparents and even sisters. We had great  fun and managed to get a lot of work done.

We dug over our vegetable beds and planted potatoes and shallots.  We used hanging baskets to plant strawberries and tumbling tomatoes.  Purple Haze carrots and Blood Red onions were thinned out and transferred from pots into grow  bags.  Pupils worked hard to weed our flower planters and added beautiful bright flowering plants.