All posts by Miss McIntosh

Outdoor Learning in Primary 3


During maths time, P3  were learning about time. The children focused on o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour. The class enjoyed sharing their previous knowledge about time and they enjoyed testing eachother. The class enjoyed using a hula hoop for the clock face and they moved around the playground in groups trying to make as many clocks as possible with different times. Primary 3 enjoyed learning in the glorious sunshine!

P5 Garden Event

We had an amazing turnout from parents for our open event last week. The children and their parents/grandparents enjoyed painting their plant pots together. They then had to choose from a selection of herbs and vegetables to plant. They could chose from coriander, dill, oregano and many more. The vegetables available to plant ranged from red chillies to sweet peppers and shallots. The class were so involved in what they were doing and the children really enjoyed having a member of their family there to help and support them. The children will now take their plant pots home and look after them over the summer holidays. Thank you so much to everyone who came along and we hope you enjoyed it!

P5 Novel Study


For the last few weeks of term, P5 will be participating in literacy tasks all about ‘Mr Stink’ by David Walliams. The children were asked to choose a popular children’s novel and the majority of the class chose this one. We are looking forward to watching the film and being involved in lots of different literacy and art tasks.

Talking and Listening in Primary 5!

Today in Primary 5 we were learning how to write a fairy tale. The class were given a picture as a stimulus and the children worked with a partner to create a short story about the character in the picture. The children were able to successfully discuss and tell their story to the class. The class were a wonderful audience and we enjoyed making up our own stories. Our next step is to choose a fairytale and rewrite it, changing characters, the setting or the main events. I am looking forward to this and so are the children.

P5 Visit Dumfries House




Primary 5 had a really great day when we visited Dumfries House. Although it was chilly, the children were motivated and keen to get involved. The children made their own compost and worked great as a team. The children also enjoyed a vegetable hunt and worked with their partner to investigate how different vegetables grow. The children enjoyed digging up some vegetables and found some unusual shaped carrots and turnips. Everyone then went a lovely country walk to the park and had great fun. Lots of great learning went on and the children behaved so well. Well done!

P5 Measuring Angles


In room 13 Primary 5 have been learning all about angles. This week we used a protractor to help measure different angles. We measured right, acute and obtuse angles. Children who felt confident were able to help and support other children during the lesson. It was lovely to see other children giving advice and demonstrating how to use the protractor properly. Well done P5!