P3 Trip to Dumfries House

On Fri 27th March P3 were very excited to go on their trip to Dumfries House.  We were blessed with sunny weather and got to enjoy all the outdoor activities as well as our cooking session!  P3 enjoyed cutting up vegetables and herbs to make a delicious pasta salad.  Some pupils were very good at trying new foods.

Afterwards we went outside for a vegetable hunt and the trip finished with some free time at the adventure playground.

2 thoughts on “P3 Trip to Dumfries House”

  1. Some comments gathered from pupils after the trip:

    Leah – I liked the bit we went to the park and cooking. The best bit was everyone coming.

    Megan – My favourite thing at Dumfries House was the cooking because we made pasta salad yum yum! I ate it all up it was delicious.

    Hayden – I loved the trip because of the garden hunt. I liked the hunt because we got to see some vegetables.

    Rebecca – I had so much fun cooking the food we had on the chopping board. We had to cut the food with a knife and scissors.

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