P3 Trip to Pizza Express

On 28th April, P3 were really excited to go to Pizza Express at The Fort where they got the opportunity to make Margherita pizzas with a pizzaiolo (pizza chef).  They even managed to raise money for the cost of the bus through their Beadtastic Enterprise – making and selling bead bracelets throughout the school.  Thanks to all Glenmanor pupils and parents for your support!

Each pupil had their own pizza base and were responsible for spreading out the dough and tomato sauce.

The pizzaiolo then showed the children a trick for making the tomato sauce spread evenly around the base without using a spoon by shaking the base.  It was quite tricky!

The pupils then added the mozzarella topping to their pizzas and the pizzaiolo then cooked them in the oven for us.  We then got the opportunity to taste fresh basil, mozzarella cheese and black olives.

Afterwards we took the yummy pizzas back to school and enjoyed them for lunch.  The class are really excited now about cooking in our school kitchen after this wonderful experience!

8 thoughts on “P3 Trip to Pizza Express”

  1. Wow P3! It looks like you had an absolutely brilliant day at Pizza Express. I am very jealous! I hope you bring all the new skills you developed back to use in our Learning Kitchen.

  2. It looks like you had a fantastic time at Pizza Express. Well done with raising the funds for your trip.

  3. I bet you had a fantastic time creating your pizzas as part of your topic lesson. I love Pizza Express pizzas! They are so delicious. I wish I had given you my order!

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