P3 Parents Open Event Tomorrow


Parents and guardians of P3 pupils are invited to bring in their sunflowers for planting in the garden at tomorrow’s open event.  That is if you can carry them as I have heard many are now too tall to move!  We look forward to seeing you at 9.30am in the garden and at 10am we shall be inviting you to try some Spanish tapas along with tea, coffee or juice in our learning kitchen.  The pupils have been learning how to take orders in Spanish so please have a go using the phrases we will have left on the tables for you!

Hasta manana!  See you tomorrow

5 thoughts on “P3 Parents Open Event Tomorrow”

  1. Hola, Senorita Lalmy, ninos y ninas! I wish I was in Primary 3. What a great context to share what you have learned about the Spanish language. Bueno suerte!

  2. Gracias por un día maravilloso hoy. Me encantó mi té y selección de alimentos españoles . También me gustó mucho la plantación de los girasoles en el jardín. Bien hecho a todos en primaria 3 .

  3. Translation – Thanks for a wonderful day today. I loved my tea and selection of Spanish food. I also enjoyed planting sunflowers in the garden. Well done to all primary 3.

    Muchas gracias Señora Casa!

  4. Muchas gracias Sra. Home! Tu nivel d’espanol es fantasico! Estoy feliz que has tenido un buen dia con P3 en el jardin y en la cocina.

    Thank you very much Mrs Home! Your Spanish is fantastic! I am glad that you had a great time with P3 in the garden and the learning kitchen.

    Thanks to everyone for coming as there was an amazing turnout on the day!

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