P5/6 Food Revolution Day with Jamie Oliver

On the 15 May our class joined in with Jamie Oliver’s  ‘Food Revolution Day’. We took part so we could learn to make healthier food choices. The whole class had fun squashing and mixing the ingredients together to make our own ‘Squash It’ sandwich!

8 thoughts on “P5/6 Food Revolution Day with Jamie Oliver”

  1. Well done P5/6 for taking on challenge on Food Revolution Day. It’s a great opportunity to try small pieces of vegetables that you might not have tasted before. I bet the ‘squashing’ was great fun!! The learning kitchen looks fabulous too!

  2. I was desperate to see this lesson and sample the sandwich at the end but had to go to a meeting 🙁 Thank you for sharing your photographs. It looked like you had a great time making the sandwich and tasting the delicious butternut squash.

  3. Those sandwiches look delicious and so healthy. Next time send a tasty sandwich to the nursery for me to sample. Well done!

  4. I loved making a squash it sandwich but didn’t like the humous. I would love to do it again 🙂

  5. I thought it was really cool that we were doing something that millions of people were doing.

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