Glenboig Primary School

February 9, 2017
by Mrs Wright

Chef Visit

  Glenboig were visited by Chef Derek Lockett from Brakes Food Scotland yesterday. He led cooking sessions with 4 classes and provided all the ingredients and huge healthy fruit hampers for the classes. It was a fantastic experience- he has … Continue reading

February 8, 2017
by nlscotta1@glow

P3 chef visit

Primary 3 had a visit from some chefs today. We showed off our baking skills by making delicious flapjacks and learned lots about different fruits and vegetables!

November 25, 2016
by Mrs Wright

Sumdog Champions

Primary 7 received some amazing news this morning. They came first place in North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition. They had to answer 1000 maths questions differentiated to their maths level at home and in school. They won a certificate each and… … Continue reading

October 11, 2016
by Miss Lawson

Very busy day in P2!

Primary Two had a very busy day today… here are some pictures of our learning. First we practiced our common words using active spelling stations – we had to make our spelling words using play-doh, pipe cleaners, magnetic letters and we … Continue reading

September 30, 2016
by Mrs Wright

Nurse Talk Health Week

We were lucky enough to be visited by two parent nurses. They spoke to us about healthy hearts and hand washing and germs. We even got to use a light box to test our hand washing.

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