All posts by Mr Harris

SQA Appeals

Where there are any grounds for an Appeal, please be assured that the school will be taking the necessary steps to collate information and move forward with the appeal. If you have already contacted the school about an Appeal or are considering doing so, please call Mrs Beattie on the dates below when she will be in a better position to advise based on information collated from teachers who return to work next Tuesday.

Urgent Appeals for University – call Mrs Beattie on 794876 on Thursday 13th August.
Non-urgent Appeals – call Mrs Beattie on 794876 on Wednesday 19th August.

Alternatively, pupils can see Mrs Beattie in school on those dates.

If you really need to speak to someone more urgently, then please contact our school office.

SQA Post Exam Review

Following publication of today’s SQA results the school has been provided with the list of those young people eligible for appeal – ie those young people who received a grade LOWER THAN was estimated by the school.

The process of collating appeals is already underway, however the evidence gathering cannot commence until the return of subject staff to school. This, as always, will be prioritised on the inset day and will be completed within SQA and University entrance timelines.

In the meantime school office staff are taking calls and collating requests for review of results (appeals). Please be assured that where it is at all possible, we will be submitting an appeal. In line with every other year’s post results process, candidates will be required to consent to this, given that results may go down as well as up.

As in previous years, we have invited candidates who have a concern about their future options to contact their pupil support teacher by Thursday 6 August.

Key Dates for the review process are as follows:

Priority reviews (for university entry)
Submission by Friday 14/08/20
Outcome by Friday 4/09/20

All other Reviews
Submission by Friday 21/08/20
Outcome date tbc by SQA

NLC School Update 23rd June

Please read the latest school update by North Lanarkshire Council:

Today’s announcement from the Scottish Government outlines the plan to reopen all schools on a full time basis from August.
We are currently considering the practicalities and implications of this announcement and will await further clarification and guidance from government, particularly in relation to public health and scientific advice.
Our priority is the safety of our pupils and staff across our network of primary, secondary and ASN schools, as well as our early learning and childcare settings.
We understand that you will have questions, and as this news was only announced today, we will make further information available on how this impacts on our schools andfacilities in the coming days.
We are preparing for pupils to return full-time to school on 12 August and we will be working closely with our schools and partners, including our early years and childcare provision to establish our plans, which we will communicate as soon as we are in a position to.
Gerard McLaughlin
Head of Education (North)

Urgent: Latest Schooling Arrangements


Please click on link below to access North Lanarkshire’s latest information on school arrangements for children of key workers. This involves the consolidation of schooling in single designated local hubs.

This is not business as usual and it is vital that the support being offered to parents of key workers is only accessed by those who absolutely require it to enable NHS and other critical services to function

Click here for link