All posts by Mr Harris

Adverse Weather Information

Dear Parent/Carer

 I hope you are well.

 You may be aware that the weather forecast for the next 24 hours shows a yellow warning for snow for Central Scotland.  Whilst this may bring us some disruption, it may also pass without incident.  However, I did think that this was a pertinent time to highlight a few things regarding adverse weather.

 Firstly, we will always do our utmost to keep the school open.  Unless otherwise advised by North Lanarkshire Council or the Police our expectation is that the school will be open.  Families will be notified directly from the school or the council if the school is closed.  This will be done using our usual communication channels.  However, your working assumption should always be that the school will be open.

 Where your child is not able to attend school because of adverse weather we would aim to have materials available via TEAMS for your son/daughter to access.

 As you will understand the school phone lines can get very busy when there is disruption caused by adverse weather. So as to avoid frustration and busy phone lines, we would ask that you report the absence of your child via other means to keep the phone lines as clear as possible. This also allows us to link with our bus companies to provide updates on the whereabouts of the buses or if buses are cancelled. By keeping the phone lines clear it allows us to relay information to families as quickly as possible.

 Alternative ways to report your child’s absence are as follows:

 School Text message system: 07860030498


 Parent Portal:

 If you can let us know your child’s Forename and Surname, the year they are in, the reason for the absence and if it will be a full or part day absence.

An example: Joe Blogg, S3, Heavy Snow, Full day

 I hope you find this information helpful and fingers crossed that we do not have any disruption caused by snow in the next few days.

 Kind regards



 Jamie Vaughn-Sharp

Ceannard Sgoile / Head Teacher

 Àrd-sgoil Greenfaulds / Greenfaulds High School

Rathad Auchenkilns / Auchenkilns Road

Comar nan Allt / Cumbernauld 

Glaschu / Glasgow

G67 4AQ

Brodie’s Inspirational Art Prize

A number of Greenfaulds High School pupils had the fantastic opportunity to participate in a series of workshops run by artist Alan Potter to create a Covid themed mosaic project.

The workshops were funded as a reward for Greenfaulds High School Art Department and their talented pupils winning the Brodie’s Inspirational Art and Design Prize through the Friends of the RSA (Schools Art Award)

Below are some of the images of the finished mosaic mounted on the school building and of pupils working on the project with artist Alan Potter.

S1 Music Tuition

Dear Parent / Guardian.

If your child has expressed an interest in learning to play a musical instrument after watching some short videos/discussion with their music teacher please fill out the electronic form which can be accessed from the link below.

All instrumental lessons are now free. We require your permission to give a musical instrument trial and ask you to return permission electronically on the aforementioned form.

Pupils will have the opportunity to try out for musical instrument tuition over the coming weeks, and, if successful, your child will be offered a place on a tutor’s timetable. There is a limitation on places but If numbers are high, we shall add pupil names to a waiting list.

Some instruments may have to be hired such as brass or woodwind. However, we do have some of these instruments in school, these will be issued at the discretion of the Music Department. Some instruments can be purchased through the school without paying VAT. Please make any enquiries to the Principal Teacher.

Closing date to return the form is the 23rd of October.

Click Here to Access the Microsoft Form

Below are some video links to the different instruments on offer for tuition. Click on the instrument to access the video.









 Side drum  

Clarsach (Scottish harp)



School Photographs

Today, pupils in S1, S5 & S6 had their school photographs taken. All pupils were issued with an instruction slip containing a personalised code that will allow you to access the photographs online once they are uploaded. I have shown an example below with the personal info blanked out. If your child happens to lose their instruction slip we have a copy of their code in the office.

Please note all orders must be placed online, the service is provided by Colorfoto and there is no obligation to buy.

Colorfoto aim to upload the photos within a week to two weeks from the day they are taken.

Parent Info: Scottish Apprenticeships

Overview of Scottish Apprenticeships Thursday 10 March 2022

 Parents and carers can learn more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships on a free webinar later this month.  

 Careers Advisers from Skills Development Scotland will talk about the different apprenticeships that are available and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers. They will also be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about your young persons career development.

 Parents and carers can register for our session here:

North Lanarkshire Schools Read to Succeed

North Lanarkshire Schools Read to Succeed

Following the transition from primary to secondary school, our promise to you is that the North Lanarkshire Secondary School you have trusted with your child’s education, will do all they can to ensure that this experience is both enjoyable and successful.

In North Lanarkshire Schools, under the Scottish Attainment Challenge, we aim to make reading for pleasure a priority in our bid to ensure excellence and equity in our schools. We are fortunate enough to have dedicated school librarians and English Departments across North Lanarkshire Secondary Schools who provide excellent support and encouragement to all pupils to help develop and promote reading for pleasure.

As part of that commitment, the North Lanarkshire Schools Read to Succeed pledge aims to get our S1 pupils hooked on reading for pleasure. With funding from the Scottish Attainment Challenge every S1 pupil will be gifted a book with no cost to the pupil or the school. This book will be chosen from an online catalogue of texts suitable for a wide range of interests and ability levels.

Reading for pleasure has been proven to have a huge range of benefits for children, ranging from improved exam results and literacy levels, through to good mental health. This is our 4th year running Read to Succeed and we want pupils, parents/carers, teachers and librarians to participate in the North Lanarkshire Schools Read to Succeed pledge to help ensure our pupils are reaching their full potential in terms of literacy.

We are asking you as a parent or carer to play an active role in encouraging your child to read for pleasure and ensure that they are actually reading, simply by talking regularly with them about what they are reading.

Advice on how to encourage children to read for pleasure is available from The Scottish Book Trust website:

If you want any further advice on helping your child choose books or how you can motivate them to read, please feel free to get in touch with the librarian by phoning the school.  Our librarians are happy to help.

With your support, we can help your child ‘Read to Succeed’ and maximise their potential.

Yours sincerely,

Terry Cowan

Education Support Officer (Literacy)

Scottish Attainment Challenge

S4/5 Options Evening

Please see the information below that provides details of the online Parents Options Information Evening at 6.30pm on Wednesday the 19th of January

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 2392 106 1630

Meeting password: VpJyfdJM386