S3 Immunisations

The School Immunisation Team will be attending the school on  26/03/19 for the Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio and the Meningitis ACWY immunisations.

All boys and girls can get the Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio and the Meningitis ACWY vaccine free from the NHS usually in their 3rd year in secondary school.

The Diptheria, Tetanus and  Polio vaccine is carried on from childhood injections, and the  Meningitis ACWY vaccine protects against the most common strains of the meningitis bacteria to affect teenagers and young adults.

It’s important to have the vaccine to be fully protected. Therefore, all S3 boys and girls should attend on the day of immunisation.

Please can students wear a short sleeve shirt/blouse on the day.  If they do not have a short sleeve shirt/blouse, please can they bring in their PE top to put on when they are due to have their vaccination.

Can pupils also be asked to ensure they have eaten breakfast on the morning of the immunisation. Pupils will be advised of times prior to the day.