A Parents Evening for S5/6 pupils will take Tuesday 12 December. The evening starts at 6:00pm and runs until 8:30pm. We look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible.


We hope that all those who attended our P7 Open Evening last week found it helpful and informative. If however, you were unable to come along and have any queries regarding the transition to Greenfaulds High next session, please contact Mrs Eileen McLoughlin Depute Headteacher on 01236 794876


This year’s annual GHS performing arts Christmas Concert will take place on the 7th of December in the school theatre at 7pm. The night will showcase the wide and varied talents of our pupils including performances from our Junior and Senior Wind Bands, Jazz Band, Traditional Band, Rock Band, S1 and 2 vocal group, Gaelic Rock Band Lan Comais and the finale of a combined chorus made up of the primary 7 pupils from our local primary schools. Tickets go on sale soon and will be extremely limited so grab yours soon and join us for a festive extravaganza!


On Friday 10th November the Maths Department ran a visit to Howden. The focus of the visit was to inform students of ‘Careers in Maths’.  Howden are a global engineering company who focus on the design and manufacture of air and gas handling products such as fans and compressors. The experience involved a guided tour of their factory, information on careers in engineering and kindly served us with a pizza lunch. The trip was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.


Leah Stewart in 4KR1 was recently awarded her black belt in karate at the National competition in Largs. Well done Leah, we are all proud of you.


First and Second years have been selected by their Technical teachers to take part in a STEM competition which is in partnership with LOVELL construction.  Pupils have been asked to bring in their rubbish to help recreate famous landmarks.  S1 have been given the challenge of the three bridges: Queensferry, Forth Road and Forth Rail.  S1 are recreating landmarks from the Glasgow Skyline: Hydro, Finnieston Crane, Riverside Museum and the Squinty Bridge.


Over 100 S2 pupils from the Geography department took part in a trip to Amazonia on Tuesday 7th November at M&Ds to learn more about the tropical rainforest as they have been leaning about this in class. Pupils got the opportunity to explore what animals live in the rainforest and had a handling session with some including a dragon, gecko, tortoise and snake. They were also given a guided tour of Amazonia and took part in some interactive games. Pupils were encouraged to ask questions and experience the hot, humid climate of the rainforest. They also played bowling. Thanks to all teachers who came on the trip. It was a fantastic day which all pupils really enjoyed!


Departments and staff within Greenfaulds High School offer a range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs taking place there is sure to be something that will interest all of our pupils. Pupils should look out for details of new clubs posted around the school. PLEASE SEE THE WEEKLY ACTIVITIES TAB ON THE SIDEBAR OF THE SCHOOL WEBSITE @