Greenfaulds High School ICT department recently had a visit from a number of BT Software Engineers who spent the day working with pupils from S2. This was a fantastic opportunity for these pupils to see and learn the fundamentals of software programming. Pupils spent either the morning or afternoon being shown just what can be done with even a little programming knowledge. Feedback from pupils was extremely positive as was the feedback from the BT Engineers who had nothing but praise for our pupils. A great time was obviously had by all and it is hoped that we will be welcoming these ambassadors back to school to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with our young people very soon. A big thank you to all concerned for organising this.


A good night was had by all as Greenfaulds celebrated the life and work of Rabbie Burns last week by hosting a Burns Night for staff and senior pupils. The night consisted of a Ceilidh, traditional Scottish fayre as well as poem recitals and songs from Burns’ collection. The toast to the Lassies and the reply from the fairer sex, went down particularly well. A big thank you to all staff and pupils involved in organising this night which has become a regular event in the Greenfaulds calendar.


A number of classes within Greenfaulds High School are currently working towards their John Muir Award, a nationally recognised qualification which includes learning about and conserving wild places. We have been working with Cumbernauld Living Landscaped in Ravenswood Nature reserve for the past year and Sanctuary Housing granted us £500 worth of tools to support us with conservation. We are currently looking for donations of wellington boots and jackets which will allow even more pupils to access Ravenswood Nature Reserve. If you have any could you please bring these to the school.


S2 Reports have been issued.


Greenfaulds High School would like to invite parents of S2 pupils to a meeting with the school’s Senior Management team tomorrow 2nd February at 7.00pm. The aim of the evening is to inform parents and pupils of the choices that are open to them as pupils progress with their Curriculum for Excellence courses.


Wednesday 22nd February 6.00pm – 9.00pm

We are holding our biennial Careers Convention this year. Present will be over 35 representatives from Employers, Apprenticeship Providers, Training Agencies, Colleges, Universities as well as Skills Development Scotland and representatives from the Armed Forces.

This is a “drop in” event with no formal structure. It allows you to find out what opportunities there are after school along with possible entry conditions. It will also allow you to compare one institution with another. This type of information proves very valuable when it comes to making Course Choices, which is something that you and your child will have to do before there will be another Careers Convention held within the school.

You are warmly invited to attend what parents and pupils have told us on previous occasions to be a very interesting and valuable evening.


Greenfaulds will be closed on Monday 13th February and Tuesday 14th February for the mid term holiday and Wednesday 15th February for a school in-service day. Greenfaulds re-opens to pupils on Thursday 16th February as normal.


The Morning Club has restarted. All are invited to pick up some brekkie, finish off any homework and get ready for the day ahead. Club will be on daily from 8.30am. See you there 🙂


Greenfaulds offer a wide range of school clubs throughout the year to challenge and inspire our pupils. With many practical, recreational and educational clubs on-going pupils should look out for details of any clubs that they might be interested on the school website, in departments and through the various school twitter pages.