Pupil Wellbeing

The wellbeing of our pupils and their families, is at the heart of everything we do at Dykehead Primary. We recognise that wellbeing directly impacts readiness to learn, and aim to reduce this as a barrier to learning wherever we can, in line with the principles of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).

For detailed information, please see the Pupil Wellbeing Policy in the school policies page of this website.

Where pupils require support, we offer a range of supports in school, delivered by our own staff in our nurture space, which the children named ‘The Cabin’. You can see an overview of these below. Where this is not sufficient to fully meet the pupil’s needs, we used the staged intervention process to plan around the child, and make referrals either within education or to other agencies such as health, social work, or the third sector.