Cumbernauld Primary School

December 6, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie
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P7 Christmas Party

The P7 Christmas party will be on Thursday 20th December in the morning.

Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes.

A letter has been sent home today with further information.

December 4, 2018
by Mrs Curran

P5a read with P1

We are working hard to use expression in our voices when acting and reading. We practised our skills whilst reading to some P1 pupils. It was a lot of fun and we learned a lot about holding the attention of an audience.

December 4, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie

Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch will take place as follows:

Monday 17th December’18          P1 – 3

Tuesday 18th December’18          P4 & 5

Wednesday 19th December’18     P6 & 7

Lunch choices are:

Turkey       Steak Pie           Macaroni

P1 to 3’s are free. P4 to P7 the charge will be £2 unless they are a free meal. The cash must be on their card on the day they have their lunch.

Letters sent home with children today.


December 3, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie

Trampoline Fun

Primary 7a are having fun visiting Cumbernauld Academy on Friday mornings and taking part in lessons such as PE, Science, Technical and Spanish.

November 29, 2018
by Miss Connelly

What time is it?

P2b are learning all about time in maths just now. We are super at o’clock and building our confidence in reading and setting clocks to half past and quarter past. We are going to ace it by Christmas so we can check the time and get to bed early for Santa!

November 26, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie

Road Safety Week

This week is Road Safety Week. Our JRSO Team have been working hard with Mrs Kiernan to prepare some activities for our classes. Keep checking our website for some pictures of what we have been up to.

November 16, 2018
by Miss Connelly
1 Comment

Children in Need

Primary 2a and Primary 2b had a great day organising fund raising for Children in Need. We all wore Pjs to school, did lots of Pudsey related tasks and we sold ice cream to the whole school! We raised over £400 & celebrated by eating our ice cream whilst watching a movie! What a great day for a great cause! Thank you to everyone who helped us and donated money.

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