Cumbernauld Primary School

January 18, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

P7 Burns Supper

Primary 7a and 7b will be taking part in a Burns Supper on Thursday 24th January in school. They will have the chance to sample some traditional Scottish cuisine that would be served during a Burns Supper. Children can choose to come into school wearing something ‘Scottish’ such as tartan, Scotland football/rugby shirts etc, or may simply have tartan ribbon in hair.

We are looking forward to a lovely celebration.


January 18, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

Online Safety Workshop for Parents: Tuesday 5th February 2019

O2 and NSPCC have joined forces on a mission to help all children and their families in the UK stay safe online. Together, they’re offering useful tools, support and guidance to help parents and carers have conversations with their children about their online lives.

As part of this, they’re running free online safety workshops for parents and carers and will be hosting one at Cumbernauld Primary school at 2pm on Tuesday 5th February 2019. We would like to invite all parents and carers to join.

The hour-long workshop will help parents and carers understand their child’s online world and build confidence to have those important conversations that can help keep children safe online.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.

Letters regarding this have been sent home with children this week. Please complete the tear off slip an return to the class teacher as soon as possible.

December 20, 2018
by Miss Connelly

Feeling Festive in P2!

Primary 2a and 2b had a great day at their Christmas Party! We had a lovely morning playing party games and dancing away. We did the Conga and even had a go at the Slosh! We finished off the day with some snacks and watched Arthur Christmas. We are so ready for our holidays and can’t wait for Christmas now!


December 20, 2018
by Miss Connelly

P1-3 Christmas Lunch!

Primary 1-3 had a lovely time at their Christmas Lunch on Tuesday! We even got the dinner ladies out to give them a huge thanks and few verses of Jingle Bells!


December 13, 2018
by Miss Connelly

P2 Christmas Party!

Primary 2a and 2b will be having their Christmas Party on Thursday 20th December. Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes. Please bear in mind the children will be outside at playtime and lunchtime and therefore may wish to bring a change of shoes. The children will be having party games, Christmas crafts and finishing the day with a Christmas movie!

December 13, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie

School Crossing Patrol Service

Dear Parent/Guardian

School Crossing Patrol Service- Carrickstone Road/Cawder Road

We write to advise of staff shortages at the school crossing patrol. This site has been a vacancy since July 2018 and has been advertised by the council on two previous occasions.

Please note the position will be re-advertised on 17th December 2018 on the council’s recruitment portal

We hope this will generate a positive response to the recruitment of a permanent replacement.

December 10, 2018
by Mrs MacKenzie

Christmas Lunch Reminder

Please remember that the Christmas lunches are on the following days:

Monday 17th December’18          P1 – 3

Tuesday 18th December’18          P4 & 5

Wednesday 19th December’18     P6 & 7

Note: P1-3 lunches are free as usual as are children entitled to free school meals. All other children who have ordered a Christmas lunch should have £2 on their dinner card for this day.


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