Cumbernauld Primary School

February 21, 2019
by Miss Connelly

Primary 2a and 2b Homework wb 25th Feb 2019

Primary 2a and Primary 2b  have now gone paperless for homework.


Please click the following links to access P2a and P2b’s homework for the week beginning 25th February. Your child will know if they are group 1 or group 2. If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact us.


P2a and P2b Homework:

p2 homework wb 25th feb 


Group 2 Blending Sheet:

blending sheet group 2

Group 2 Homework Grid:

wb 25th feb group 2



February 19, 2019
by Miss Connelly
1 Comment

A day in the life of P2b

P2b thought it would be great to show everyone what we get up to in a day. We started today off with our word work on the phoneme “aw”. Next we completed some phonics and reading tasks in our jotters. For maths we worked on totalling small amounts of coins and we moved onto some maths games. Some of the games were about money and some about pattern and shape which is something we have been learning about recently too. In the afternoon we did some gymnastics and balancing in P.E. Lastly we learned about numbers and colours in French & played some colour games on Linguascope. A successful Tuesday for us!

February 4, 2019
by Miss Connelly

Animal care from the SSPCA

We got some fantastic resources from the SSPCA to learn about caring for rabbits today. We learned about how to handle a rabbit properly and what responsibilities rabbit owners have. We had a great time and enjoyed our rabbit cuddles!


February 1, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

P7 Burns Supper

Thanks to Shaz and all the kitchen staff for providing our P7 classes with a fun Burns Supper. We loved trying haggis, neeps and tatties.


January 31, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

Harris McCoo Paintings

As part of our Scotland mini-topic, Primary 7a have been creating art inspired by Scottish artists. This week, we were exploring art by Steven Brown and creating our own ‘Harris McCoo’ artwork.

January 30, 2019
by Miss Connelly

Gymnastics in P2

We have been having a great time learning about gymnastics. We have practised rolling, jumping, swinging and balancing. We even had the wall bars out to practise our climbing and improve our arm strength!

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