Cumbernauld Primary School

October 1, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

House Colours Change of Date!

HOUSE COLOURS DAY has been changed from FRIDAY 4th OCTOBER (as stated in the last Newsletter) to FRIDAY 11th OCTOBER.

Children should come to school dressed in house colours & a donation of £1 which will go towards school funds.


September 26, 2019
by Miss Connelly

We are becoming readers in P1a!

P1a were so excited to get their first reading books out and home today! We worked as a group to read the book and even found some of our common words we have been learning. We can’t wait to become readers!


September 20, 2019
by Miss Connelly

Fun Fridays!

P1a had a busy day. We started off by working on our fine motor skills, catching marbles and using chop sticks! Then we had a good practise of our number formation. We even had time to do our Daily Mile with the help of our chums from P2a!


September 20, 2019
by Mrs MacKenzie

Cross Country & Running Club

Letters have been given out to children who have expressed an interest regarding Mrs Kiernan’s popular after school clubs. Please note that letters of interest should be returned to the class teacher no later than Wednesday 25th September.

Cross Country and running clubs will then start on Tuesday 1st October.

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