Some children from P1a and P1b have been enjoying their turn at forest school. Thanks to the weather it has been muddier than ever & they’ve loved every second!
March 14, 2020
by Miss Connelly
March 14, 2020
by Miss Connelly
Some children from P1a and P1b have been enjoying their turn at forest school. Thanks to the weather it has been muddier than ever & they’ve loved every second!
March 11, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
Click below to access more information from the NHS regarding Coronavirus.
Coronavirus advice poster – Education – 4 March 2020
March 11, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
Advice for any staff or parents who contact the school with concerns about Coronavirus.
The council is working with NHS Lanarkshire and any updates on the virus will be shared with
our staff and residents. For the latest information and advice go to:
You can also follow @NHS 24 on Twitter and Facebook.
March 10, 2020
by Miss Connelly
March 9, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
We have organised for a new online booking system for our parents’ evenings. Our next event is on THURSDAY 19TH MARCH 20 for all pupils.
Go to
PLEASE NOTE: You need to type this address into your website browser’s ‘address bar’. Do not try to ‘Google’ this website address or use a search engine as that will not work. This is a common mistake on phones and tablets especially.
Login to see which appointments are available and select one that is convenient for you.
You will need to enter:
The system is live from TUESDAY 10TH MARCH 20 at 7pm and will be open to take your bookings until TUESDAY 17th MARCH at 7pm
Once you have logged in, we suggest you use the ‘Automated Booking Wizard’ to make your appointments. You will be shown your child/children and their teachers. Tick the teacher you wish to book and enter your availability. The wizard will use this information to calculate the best order for your appointments, allowing you to navigate the teachers in the quickest and most efficient manner.
Troubleshooting Tips – please read before booking!
If you are unable to book at home, please call into the office for special help.
March 2, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
Mrs Hart has been discussing Fairtrade products with the children at assemblies over the last few weeks. In order to support the children’s learning she would be obliged if they could bring in EMPTY packaging displaying the Fairtrade label.
There will be a box outside Mrs Hart’s room for collecting the packaging.
Thank you.
February 28, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
February 21, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
As part of our 4 week Yoga and meditation block ‘Young Souls,’ P5 (Mrs MacKenzie’s class) are required to bring in a change of PE kit on Thursdays for the next four weeks.
Thank you for your cooperation.
February 19, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie
February 19, 2020
by Mrs MacKenzie