Please click the link below for the latest guidance from Police Scotland.
April 1, 2022
by Mrs Craig
April 1, 2022
by Mrs Craig
Please click the link below for the latest guidance from Police Scotland.
March 27, 2022
by gw09hartjennifer2@glow
Dear Parents and carers,
Please see the link below to access the most recent letter sent from the Scottish Government outlining the recent Covid-19 measures and providing information on the background to these decisions.
Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director – 21 March 2022 (2)
March 20, 2022
by Mrs Craig
March 9, 2022
by Mrs Craig
Please click the link to see the letter issued this week.
February 18, 2022
by Mrs MacKenzie
February 16, 2022
by Mrs Craig
A little reminder that our breakfast club doors open at 8.15am.
The children must come by 8.30am to be served.
The children will join their friends in the playground at 8.45am.
Breakfast club and bus children MUST remain in the playground. They SHOULD NOT leave the school grounds at any point.
We kindly ask that you remind your child(ren) of this please.
January 11, 2022
by Mrs Craig
January 7, 2022
by Mr Clinton
We can’t wait to see children and young people back in schools and early learning establishments, ready for a new year of learning.
However, you will be aware that Covid-19 is still very much with us and we are following government guidance to reduce the risk of transmission in our schools and early learning facilities.
So, there’s a few new guidelines that should be followed, to help keep us all as safe as possible.
All secondary school pupils and staff at schools and early learning establishments are strongly advised to regularly take lateral flow tests prior to schools returning on Monday.
This will include taking one this week and another on either Sunday evening or first thing on Monday morning and thereafter, twice a week.
Pupils and staff are advised to upload their test results to the online portal, regardless if the result is positive or negative.
Testing regularly helps to reduce the chance of both pupils and staff having to self-isolate and lateral flow device testing kits can be picked up from schools, the asymptomatic testing centre at Airdrie Leisure Centre or from local pharmacies. Please click here to find out where you can pick up lateral flow test kits.
Please note the new guidance regarding isolation and testing do not apply retrospectively.
This means that all Covid-19 guidance that was in place prior to Thursday 6 January should still be followed including self-isolating for the full 10 days.
The new guidance is only for anyone testing positive or identified as a close contact FROM Thursday 6 January.
Good Hygiene Practice
Pupils and teachers in secondary schools must continue to wear face coverings (although some are exempt) and practise social distancing in classrooms and in and around buildings.
Everyone is encouraged to continue to use good hand hygiene techniques including regular hand-washing and using sanitiser, particularly when entering/leaving and before/after eating and using the bathroom, avoid touching faces and using a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing.
Face coverings should be worn by pupils aged 12 or over on school transport.
Bubbles and groupings may be introduced in some schools and early learning establishments where practicable to minimise contact.
All our schools and early learning establishments will continue to implement the recommended health and safety measures with movement around buildings minimised as much as possible with increased natural ventilation in classrooms and buildings.
Enhanced cleaning routines will continue with additional day cleans with a focus on touch points such as handles, light switches etc.
Some schools may incorporate staggered lunch and drop off and pick-up times and your school will be in touch with you directly.
Parents and carers are asked to wear a face covering when dropping off and picking up children and to not gather at the school gates in large numbers.
If you were positive, or identified as a close contact and told to isolate under previous guidance, you should continue to follow this advice until the isolation period has come to an end, which means continuing with 10 days of self-isolation. The new guidance came into effect from 6 January 2022 for any new cases and is not retrospective.
If you have any symptoms – a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss/change of taste/smell – you should book a PCR test as soon as possible and self-isolate.
Some of your household may need to isolate. If they are not fully vaccinated, they will need to isolate. If they are a fully vaccinated adult or under 18 years and 4 months, they do not need to isolate as long as they continue to return daily negative LFDs until the test result is received and follow appropriate guidance thereafter.
Under 5 year olds are encouraged, but not required to take a test.
You may be asked by Test and Protect to self-isolate and book a test again if you are identified again as a close contact of another person who is a confirmed case. It is possible that people will have to self-isolate more than once – perhaps multiple times – if they are identified as a close contact of separate cases on several different occasions. The best way to reduce the likelihood of being asked to self-isolate is to get your third dose of the vaccine.
The CNI exemption scheme has now closed as the wider population changes introduced effectively replicate the exemption enabled by the CNI scheme.
Workers who earn less than the real living wage and have been asked to isolate by Test and Protect may be eligible for the £500 Self-Isolation Support Grant but you will need evidence of a PCR test. Practical support such as food or essential medicine deliveries are available through the local self-isolation assistance service, and the national Coronavirus helpline – available at 0800 111 4000, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm – to ensure people required to self-isolate have the support they need.
December 13, 2021
by Mrs Craig
December 7, 2021
by Mrs Craig