If you are finding accessing the teams via GLOW a little difficult to navigate, please be aware that there is a Microsoft Teams app available on the app store for free of charge. The username is the same but requires to be converted to an email address so for example (gw17pupilanon@glow would become gw17pupilanon@glow.sch.uk). The password would be the same one used for logging into GLOW.
Many of our staff are finding it much easier to use and much more user friendly.
All learning grids and resources for this week are available on the class teams, but are also available on our website.
Please contact us using the emails below if you require any further information regarding usernames and log in details.
P1-3 children– lynseyconnelly@cumbernauld-pri.n-lanark.sch.uk
P4-7 children– SRalston@cumbernauld-pri.n-lanark.sch.uk