Authors Visit

On Wednesday the 24th April 2013 Primaries 4-7 went to the Cultural Centre to hear from an author called Chris Mitchell who has wrote 3 books called “The Realm Legends.” He started by reading a part of his book for us then he showed us some illustrations that were in his book. Two of his characters from his book were called Annie Revoltful and General Boak and they came to perform a section from his Book. They were really scary but funny at the same time.  We then had to draw Annie Revoltful as a cartoon. Chris then read another section of his book then we drew a Gremlin named Zak.  We then asked questions like “How did you come up with the ideas for your book?”  After that we had the chance to buy his books and you could also get their autograph on your pictures.   One of the librarians gave our class the drawings that Chris Mitchell had drawn. We enjoyed hearing sections of the book and we also enjoyed drawing some of the Characters.

Fair-Trade Stall

On Parents Evening the Primary 7s held a Fair-Trade stall with lots of goodies like… Little Dairy Milks- 20p, Crisp ‘n’ Chewy-60p, Choc ‘n’ Toffee, Large Chocolate-£1.00 and Medium Chocolate-60p. We were also selling raffle tickets and we had the lucky dip on Friday the 22nd of March and Laura from P4 and Erin from P3 won the 2 Easter Eggs that looked yummy! Mrs Ross won the Hamper full of Fairtrade products like Coffee/Tea, Oat Bars, Chocolate and a Medium Easter Egg! I’m sure Everyone wanted the Hamper really bad! We raised around £137 and we, the P7s are very proud of ourselves and the money we raised is going to sponsor a village in the Caribbean.  Thank you everyone for your support. By Sarah Spencer.

Book Sale

By Anna and Andrew

On the 8th of March 2013 Primary 7 held a book sale to raise money for fair trade. David in Primary 7’s mum donated brand new books to the school for us to sell.

We labled them so that the infants did not get books that were too old for them. All of the prices were between £1.00 – £2.50 (half price).

Primary 7 spent a while making posters to go around the school advertising our book sale.

Our first customers were the infants who enjoyed our selection of picture and sticker books. The juniors had more complicated books that were harder to read and the seniors had lots of long books including a fact book of the Titanic.

We raised £211.50 which we are very proud of!!! We are hoping to use this money for Fair Trade.

Scottish afternoon

Blog by  Sarah

At the end of January my class and I started to prepare for the annual Scottish Afternoon. To start off we came up with the idea of dressing up as either a Historical figure, a Sport Star or an Actor. I was Kathryn Granger and Heather Stanning from the Sport Stars. I was also in charge of the music and Micraphones. The parts were given out and we then had to come up with a little riddle for our character.

Once the parts were given out we then had to start thinking about a script.   Some of the parts were taken out and the people with no parts were given the place of presenters. The presenters were in charge of writing the script and they did a very good job.

The next stage was to begin to string the parts together and rehearse with the other classes.  The rehearsals start to improve in time and by the Dress rehearsal we were ready to, with a bit of work, perform in front of the parents.

It was now time to perform our Scottish afternoon to the parents and put our practice to use, and it seemed to pay off as we gave a fantastic show. I whish I could go back and perform it all over again.

Scottish Afternoon Rehearsal

Primary 7 have been planning Chryston Primary’s annual Scottish Afternoon. There are presenters, actors, sports, historians and they all perform their own sketches. Primary’s 4 – 7  participate in this event by singing  songs and reciting poems.  Everyone has been working hard to learn their words, songs and poems of by heart and is looking forward to showcasing their talent. We hope many parents can make it, as all the children are really looking forward to it.

by Aimee A

Our Jacobite Topic

We have just started our new Topic. We are learning all about the Jacobites for example The Battle of Killiecrankie (the soilders leap). We are also learning more about Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie)and how Flora MacDonald saved him. We are doing another Personal Project about Robert Burns and The Jacobites. We are all excited to see if the Teachers and Pupils enjoy them as we are putting a lot of hard work and effort into it!

p7 Christmas party

On the 19th of december p7s had a great christmas party.We danced some scottish dances including the Gay Gordon and the Canadian Barn dance.We also did some fun dances like the cha cha slide and Gangnam style. We played fun games like Corners, Musical bumps and Musical stactues. We played Ningas at the end. It was fab!

Chilterns Visit

On the 20th of December 2012, Primary 7 visited the Chilterns Old Folks home. We sang Away in a Manger, Christmas Calypso and Because its Christmas. The Old Folks loved it. Aimie O, Kirstie, Arianne and Imogen played their brass instruments. Everyone made a christmas card and we had the chance to give out our card to someone. They all really liked our cards. We all got a fizzy drink and a packet of crisps or a milky way. We were dancing with a woman called Margret. She was really nice. We were singing with her too! We had a great day!

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