Cooking at the High School

On Wednesday half of the primary 7s got a chance to go over to Chryston high school to take part in some cooking at the home economics department. The rest of the primary 7s are going in two weeks time.

We really enjoyed going over to the high school and we learned lots of new skills and how we can help to make meals at home.

We created Rainbow Pizza pitta bread. To make this you must:

  1. Find all of your equipment which is: chopping board, knife, cup, spoon/measuring spoons, a baking tray and a greater and plate
  2. Get your ingredients witch are: Red onion, red and green pepper, mixed herbs, tomato puree, sweet corn, cheddar cheese and pitta bread.
  3. First pre-heat your oven. Next put in 15ml of tomato puree into your cup. Then 1.25ml of your mixed herbs. (Mix until you can’t really see the herbs).
  4. Leading on take your peppers and onions and dice them into little but not too little, squares.
  5. Take your greater, plate and cheese and only grate enough to fill the pitta bread.
  6. Then get your pitta bread and put it on the baking tray.
  7. Following on spread your sauce on with you spoon.
  8. After that take your cheeses and place it on the pitta bread.
  9. Then take your onion and only put in on ¼ of the pizza. Then do the same for the pepper and the sweet corn in a rainbow pattern.
  10. Cook it in the oven for 10 minutes.



by Hannah McIntyre

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