For science we planted daffodils and crocus bulbs we did this for an experiment by the Edina trust and was also done in school’s from Scotland England and Wales. The experiment was to find out if global warming is effecting our seasons.
How We Planted Our Daffodills-
We filled our pots half way up with soil and put our daffodils in them. We filled it up more and put our crocus bulbs in. We now measure the rainfall and temperature and send it off to the Edina trust.
What a great science activity. I saw you planting the bulbs and it looked like you were enjoying yourselves! Will be great to hear how you get on recording their growth over the next few months. I wonder if what you find will be the same or different to schools in other parts of the UK?
This is a really good experiment and it will be interesting to look at the results across the UK. I am sure the bulbs will make our garden look good too.