The past few weeks Mrs.White has taken Primary 7 to the Moor Park to practice for our high school gym test. At the Moor Park we walk\jog around the park twice to warm-up then we do some stretches. Then Mrs.White puts 12 minutes on her phone timer and lines us all up in a row. She starts the timer and we have to run around the park as slow as we want but if we stop we are disqualified. We have started doing this running instead of gym so that we can do our best in our High School gym test.
By Emma Watson and Erin Barclay
From speaking to many of you I know that you have enjoyed the running. I think some of the results have surprised you. This is great to build up your stamina and will be good for your trip in a couple of weeks to go round Strathclyde Park.
Mrs White tells me how much you have improved from your first attempt. Keep it up!