Pancake Day!

We know that we celebrate pancake day before Lent!

For our homework task we are getting to make pancakes.

We will make them with..

Eggs, Flour, Butter, Milk and Sugar or Pancake Mixture!

We will cook them in the Frying Pan!

Before we eat them we are going to put TOPPINGS on them!

In Primary Two our favourites are…

Erin, Jennie & Cameron – Chocolate Spread

Adam – Butter

Conor M – Honey

Mya – Butter

Craig- Jam

Callum I – Mixed up chocolate banana

Atholl – Ice Cream

Jack – Banana

Katie- Butter and Jam

Amy – Strawberries

Riley and Leona – Melted chocolate

Callum M – Chocolate Sprinkles

Lauryn, Emma & Jay – Nutella

Hugh – Squirty Cream

Olivia – Frosting and Sprinkles

Nieve – Sugar

Joshua – Lime Marmalade

Laya & Brielle- Cream with sprinles

Ashton – Plain


Happy Pancake Day Everyone from P2!





Our new Class book

This week we started a new book on Monday. It is called Katie Morag and the New Pier.


In the book a new pier is being built for the Isle of Struay. Everyone was very excited apart from Grannie Island. During the story there is a big storm and the workmen cannot work. Then the huts get blown into the sea because of the wind. Katie Morag gives her special blue rope to Grannie Island and the Ferryman so they could get the huts back! At then end the new pier opened in spring, and the Ferryman’s wife made them all ‘fabbydoo’ chocolate cake!


On Tuesday we made invitations for the Grand Opening of the new pier! We had to remember to write about what time of year it was incase they missed and we had to tell them it was on the Isle of Stray.

On Wednesday we had to sort out the Beginning, Middle and End. We had three bits of paper and we had to put them in the correct order to match the book. We had to glue them into our jotter and leave three spaces for our pictures. As a finishers task we could design our own tartan or draw a picture of Katie Morag.


Check out our pictures and please leave a comment!

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Robert Burns



For one of out Homework tasks last week we had the option to learn two facts about Robert Burns. Here are some of the facts we have learned…

Erin and Callum M: Robert Burns was born on the 25th of January 1759.

Connor E and Nieve: Connor’s gran and grandpa live in Alloway, and his mum and dad got married there too! Sometimes you see his face on money.

Conor and Laya” Robert Burns was famous for writing poems.

Leona: I share my birthday with Robert Burns.

Lauryn and Joshua: He was famous, you can find his picture on our wall.

Riley and Emma: Robert Burns wears a tartan kilt.

Jennie and Olivia: Robert Burns wrote a poem called The Red, Red rose.

Brielle and Adam: Robert Burns is a famous Scottish man.

Atholl: We celebrate him on Burn’s day.

Connor E: You can go to visit his house. It is called Burn’s Cottage.

Adam: Robert Burns had 12 children.


In class today we sang the song ‘You cannae shove yer grannie aff a bus’ because it is a good song to sing for Robert Burns Day.

In the song we sing about not shoving your mammies grannie off a bus.

Then we sang you CAN shove your daddies grannie of a bus.

After that it was you can see your grannie after school.

Grannie was gonnae feed ye mince and tatties.

She was wearin an itchy wool vest.

Finally we sang the first verse again!

Primary Two really like singing this song because it is very funny!

Thank you for reading our post!

P2’s Position and Movement Work

Today we were playing a game about Position and Movement called Pet Hospital. We had to put the animals in the correct cage by following the clues.

Then we were doing a task called up, down, left and right. For a challenge we could make up our own clue for a partner. Some people found it a little bit tricky. We really liked working with a partner, and we got to peer assess our partners work and colour their traffic light!

Some of the language we have been using…

Leona – Up

Connor E – right

Emma – left

Adam- inside

Cameron – underneath

Erin – above

Callum I – behind

Joshua – under

Olivia – over

Callum M – next to

Check out our pictures! Please leave comments 🙂

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Outside learning in the snow!

Today Mrs Woodward had the wonderful idea that we could use our gym time outside today! Some us felt excited, shocked, happy and surprised!!

We did not get changed into our shorts because it was far too cold and wet! But instead we had to change our shoes and get wrapped up in our jackets, scarves, hats, gloves and we even our hoods up too!

When we were outside we felt warm in our jackets but it was cold in the playground. We could see people making snowmen, lots of snow, snowball, and lots of boys and girls playing and having fun!

When we came back inside it was nice and warm. We had to put all our wet gloves, scarves and hats on the radiator to make them dry again. To help get ourselves all warm and cosy again we put on the Monster Song that we have been practicing in gym and we danced to the chorus, but when it got to the verses we got to pretend to be Rockstars!!!

Thank you for reading our blog and please leave comments!

Primary 2’s Scottish Month Topic

We have been learning about Katie Morag because she lives in an Island Home which is our topic for January!

Katie Morag lives on the Isle of Struay which is an island. We live on the mainland in a part of Scotland called North Lanarkshire.

We are going to learn all about what life is like on the island from Katie Morag and we are going to tell her all about our lives on the mainland. In RME with Mrs Bokas we are also learning about how Katie Morag welcomed her baby sister!

We are learning all about the Scottish Islands because it is Scottish Month. At the end of the month we will be celebrating Robert Burns. We are looking forward to the Scottish Event held by the big boys and girls in the school, we will see you there!

Reflecting on our Learning so far…

We have been very very busy in Primary Two so before we finish for the Christmas holidays we have decided to have a think about what we have become much better at, and setting a target of what we would like to get better at check out our pictures and comments…

Nieve: reading my reading book and chimney sums

Leona: chimney sums and homework

Mya: at reading and homework

Conor M:my handwriting and homework

Connor E: my taught writing and homework

Jay: tasks in my daily writing and handwriting

Atholl: my handwriting

Lauryn: learning my 2D and 3D shapes and homework

Laya: all  of my maths

Amy: learning my new phonemes

Emma: my handwriting

Olivia: writing sentences in my daily writing jotter and new sums to 100

Adam: my handwriting and homework

Callum M: my handwriting and homework

Callum I: Big Maths

Riley: learning my new phoneme

Ashton: learning bigger, trickier numbers

Joshua: counting up to bigger numbers like 1000

Craig: my handwriting

Katie: doing chimney sums and homework

Jennie: Big Maths and homework

Primary Two are going to achieve their targets by trying hard, being neat, and pushing ourselves!! We will see if we have met them by Easter!

Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your presents!!

From P2 and Miss Kinloch

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