Tag Archives: reading

S1 Storyteller Group

S1 Storytellers have been working with celebrated storyteller, Bea Ferguson, for the past six months to develop their confidence in public speaking. They have learnt stories from around the world and closer to home. Some have even researched their own family stories about relatives who have lived fascinating lives. They are now ready to showcase their stories at a Storytelling Show on Thursday 30th May (1:45-2.55pm). The event will be held in the school library. The storytelling group would appreciate the support of friends and family. Come along and enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of cake whilst experiencing the magic of storytelling.

Please contact Mr MacKay (English Dept.) if you have any questions about the event (01236 794848).

Book Week Scotland – Rebel, Rebel!

What a whirlwind! 2018 Book Week Scotland has been and gone in a flash. We celebrated in the department with a variety of different activities. Our weekly book group was on everyday with an incredible turnout of pupils across all year groups with our dedicated Literacy Ambassadors leading by example. Staff participated by sending us their favourite books with a short review. Staff sent us their favourite rebel characters who ranged from Luke Skywalker to Jo March from Little Women. Pupils created a display with all their favourite rebels and their understanding of what a rebel is and why it can be a good thing. Pupils also participated in #ireadbecause garnering attention from around Scotland with their wonderful replies! Classes also participated in Scotland’s Book Trust 50 Word Story Competition writing around the theme of ‘rebel’ with stories set at a music festival. Phew! We’ve not recovered yet!