Chapelside Primary

School Handbook

Session 2022/23

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome from the staff and pupils of Chapelside Primary School.

We are delighted that you are considering sending your child to Chapelside and we look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure the highest quality of education for your child.

We trust that this handbook will provide you with all the relevant information. If, however, you require further information, then please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Parents are most welcome to visit the school whether they have children at the school or are considering sending their children to the school.


We hope to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,



Wendy Davie

Head Teacher




Aims of the School

At Chapelside Primary we aim, in partnership with parents, the wider community and other services, to provide a safe and caring environment within which each child is enabled to achieve his/her potential.

Aims of Primary Education

We seek to enable every individual to develop a wide variety of learning skills. The teacher’s role is to create and direct experiences, in line with A Curriculum for Excellence; to act as consultant and guide; and to monitor and record what is being learned, so that every child is provided with appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

We promote the development of the whole child and qualities of self-discipline, respect, integrity and caring are encouraged, whereby each individual develops positive attitudes about him/herself and others, thus enabling them to grow as responsible members of society.

Directory Details

Chapelside Primary School,

Chapel Street,




Tel: 01236 632128



Twitter: @ChapelsidePS


About the Building

The school is situated in Chapel Street, in the north area of Airdrie and is within easy walking distance of the town centre.

It is a modern flat-roofed building on 2 levels.

There are 14 classrooms, a central hall with adjoining dining area, offices and several general purpose rooms.

Roll and Capacity

Present Roll: 178

Planning capacity = 342

Parents should note that the working capacity of the school will vary dependent upon the number of pupils at each stage and the way in which the classes are organised.

Status and Stages Covered

This is a non-denominational school for boys and girls aged between 5 years and 12 years. Children from Chapelside Primary normally progress on to Airdrie Academy, South Commonhead Avenue, Airdrie

(tel: 01236 632161).










Teaching Staff

Senior Management Remits

(Subject to change depending on the needs of the school)


Head Teacher:                         Mrs Wendy Davie


Responsible for:                        Staff

The Curriculum



The Corporate Life of the School

Pastoral Care Primary 1 to Primary 7

Support for Learning

Primary 7 – S1 transition



Principal Teacher:                   Mrs Margaret Clelland


Responsible for:                        Mentoring probationer teachers

Literacy Coach Primary 1 – Primary 7

Pastoral care Primary 1 – Primary 7

Deputising for the Head Teacher in her absence

Nursery to Primary One Transition

Assessment and Moderation



Acting Principal Teacher:        Miss Monica Tierney


Responsible for:                        ICT co-ordinator

Implementation of GLOW

Numeracy Coach Primary 1 – Primary 7

Implementation of Modern Languages

Mentoring probationer teachers

Co-ordination of Getting It Right For Me plans



Acting Principal Teacher:        Mrs Jennifer Hughes


Responsible for:                        Literacy focus on support for learning interventions

Transition – Nursery to P1



Class Teachers:                          Stages Taught (correct at time of printing)


Miss C Torley                             P1

Miss A Rogerson                        P2/1

Mrs L Black                              P3/2

Miss P Beattie                            P4/3

Miss M Drysdale (Probationer)    P5/4

Mr G Murray                               P6/5

Miss C Dickson                           P6/7

Mrs W Wallace                           P7/6

Ms H Anderson                           NCCT/Digital Champion

Miss L Devine                             NCCT/Health & Wellbeing Champion

Miss E Gibson                            Class Teacher

Miss C Flannighan                      SAC Teacher


Total Number of Teaching Staff: 12






Leadership Roles

Literacy Coach – Mrs Clelland

Numeracy Coach – Miss Tierney

Health & Wellbeing Champion – Mrs Wallace/Miss Devine

Rights Respecting Schools Co-ordinator – Miss Devine

Digital Champion – Ms Anderson



Ancillary Staff

Classroom Assistant:             

Mrs L Waitkins


Additional Support Needs Assistants:

Mrs M Baxter

Mrs R Boyle

Miss N McGregor

Miss M Rolink

Miss L Shields

Mrs M Stoddart

Miss A Goodluck


General Office:                        

Mrs L McGowan

Mrs R Boyle


Janitor:                         Mrs J Murray

Cleaning Supervisor:     Ms L Brennan

Catering Supervisor:     Mr S Austen


Daily Timetable:

8.55 am                      School day begins

10.35 am – 10.50 am    Morning Interval

11.00 am – 11.15 am    (2nd morning interval)

10.50 am & 11.15 am    Classes resume

12.30 pm                      Lunch

1.20 pm                        Classes resume

3.00 pm                        Close

All P1 pupils will require to attend full-time from first day of session.




Holidays 2021/2022


The following holidays are provisional for session 2022/2023:


August 2022

Teachers return and in-service day: Monday 15 August 2022
In-service day: Tuesday 16 August 2022
Pupils return: Wednesday 17 August 2022

September 2022

September weekend: Friday 23 September to Monday 26 September 2022 (inclusive)

October 2022

October week: Monday 17 to Friday 21 October 2022 (inclusive)

November 2022

In-service day: Monday 14 November 2022

December 2022 – January 2023

Schools close: Thursday 22 December 2022 at 2.30pm
Christmas and New Year holidays: Friday 23 December 2022 to Friday 6 January 2023 (inclusive)

Schools return: Monday 9 January 2023

February 2023

Mid-term break: Monday 13 February 2023 and Tuesday 14 February 2023
In-service day: Wednesday 15 February 2023

April 2023

Schools close: Friday 31 March 2023 at 2.30pm
Spring holiday (Easter): Monday 3 April to Friday 14 April (inclusive)

Good Friday: 7 April 2023

Easter Monday: 10 April 2023

Schools return: Monday 17 April 2023

May 2023

May holiday: Monday 1 May 2023
In-service day: Tuesday 2 May 2023
May weekend: Friday 26 May 2023 to Monday 29 May 2023 (inclusive)

June 2023

Schools close: Wednesday 28 June 2023 at 1pm












After School Care

Mobile Play In Action Out Of School Care (based at One Wellwynd, Airdrie). For more information telephone 01236 767767 or email: Their website is:




Parents who would like to enrol their child in Chapelside Primary should telephone the school who will be happy to arrange a suitable time for you and your child to visit the school.

Registration of infant beginners will take place in January. Please see our Twitter page/local nurseries for details of registration procedures.

Further information about our programme for new beginners will be available at the time of registration.



Equal Opportunities and Social Justice

At Chapelside we encourage pupils to learn about equal opportunities and social justice. All pupils are encouraged to participate fully in all curricular areas. The school is committed to ensuring its policies and practices do not impact adversely on any particular group(s) of people and opportunities to promote equality are actively pursued.


The implementation of the Education & Families Equality Policy including the Equality & Human Rights Commission’s Technical Guidance for schools in Scotland is the essential guide for the school community to promote equality.


This information can be accessed at:


Curriculum For Excellence


What is Curriculum For Excellence?


Curriculum for Excellence is Scotland’s national curriculum. It provides a coherent and inclusive curriculum from 3 – 18 years wherever learning is taking place, including early learning childhood centres, schools, colleges and community learning. It places children and young people at the heart of Scottish Education.


The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or young person to be


  • a successful learner,
  • a confident individual,
  • a responsible citizen and
  • an effective contributor


These four capacities govern the entire curriculum from age 3 to 18 and aim to raise the standards of achievement for all learners.


Curriculum for Excellence is underpinned by the values inscribed on the mace of the Scottish Parliament – wisdom, justice, compassion and integrity.


Throughout Curriculum for Excellence there is a strong focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing across all aspects of learning and every teacher will support learners with the development of these, including digital literacy skills.


Curriculum for Excellence is defined as:


The totality of all that is planned for children and young people throughout their education.


The opportunities for learning and teaching are governed by the Four Contexts for Learning, which ensure that the education your child receives is informative, interesting, relevant and fun.


These contexts are:


  • Ethos and life of the school as a community
  • Curriculum areas and subjects
  • Interdisciplinary learning
  • Opportunities for personal achievement



What are the Curriculum for Excellence levels?


There are five levels and these are flexible depending on the pupils’ needs and abilities (some children and young people may achieve these levels earlier or later dependent on ability):


  • Early level pre-school to P1
  • First level to end of P4
  • Second level to end of P7
  • Third and fourth levels S1 – S3
  • Senior phase S4 to S6 and other forms of study.



What is the Broad General Education?


The Broad General Education (BGE) is the first phase of two closely connected phases of education. The BGE phase stretches from age 3 until the end of S3 after which learners move into the Senior Phase which starts in S4.


Curriculum areas and subjects

The BGE is delivered via 8 curricular areas which, in secondary school cover years S1 to S3, and may be subdivided further into individual subjects.


The 8 curricular areas are:

Expressive Arts                                     Religious and Moral Education

Health and Well Being                           Sciences

Languages and Literacy                        Social Studies

Mathematics and Numeracy                  Technologies

Importantly literacy and numeracy are given added importance because these skills are so vital in every day life. All teachers will have responsibility to teach literacy and numeracy.


The opportunities for pupils to develop skills for learning, life and work, including literacy, numeracy and health and well-being in and out of the classroom.





Language is at the heart of everything we do. In Chapelside we seek to provide our pupils with a wide variety of experiences in which they can develop competencies across the four areas of Language: reading, writing, talking and listening.

Reading we believe should be purposeful and enjoyable therefore we feel it is important to provide a large range of reading material to encourage children to want to read.

Parental support in continuing to encourage their children to read at home is invaluable. This is achieved through regular home reading assignments and in supporting the twice yearly book fair events.

It is crucial that children return their reading books to school every day.



Within a supportive and stimulating environment children are encouraged to talk and write about a wide variety of subjects and to develop skills in listening.

Integrated throughout these four areas of language will be the development of the important, necessary skills of spelling, punctuation, language structure and handwriting.

The programmes of study which children follow are carefully structured. The following nationally acclaimed resources are used to assist in ensuring appropriately planned experiences across the four language areas.

Early Stages P1-P3

N.L.C. programme of Active Literacy which includes Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking.

Better Reading Programme

Mini Rainbows


Middle & Upper Stages P4-P7

N.L.C. programme of Active Literacy which includes Reading, Writing, Talking, Listening,

Literacy World Non-Fiction,

Novel Studies – 4 stage reading programme

Media Fiction

Rainbow Readers

Phonemes into Spelling

Modern Languages

Primary 1 to 7 pupils are taught conversational French through a carefully planned programme of enjoyable and stimulating activities which seek to build up the children’s knowledge and understanding of both the language and lifestyle of France. Spanish will be introduced to Primary 5 – 7.


The study of Modern Languages will develop and extend pupils literacy skills and give them the opportunities to:


  • communicate, collaborate and build relationships
  • reflect on and explain literacy and thinking skills, using feedback to help them improve and sensitively provide useful feedback for others
  • engage with and create a wide range of texts in different media, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT
  • develop understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about their own and other cultures and languages
  • explore the richness and diversity of language, how it can affect them and the wide range of ways in which they can be creative
  • extend and enrich their vocabulary through listening, talking, watching and reading.




At Chapelside we provide practical experiences through which children’s understanding of the mathematical processes contained within; Money, Number and Measurement; Shape, Position and Movement; Information Handling and Problem Solving may be developed.

We try to ensure that these practical experiences relate to everyday life and that children see the relevance and application of mathematical skills within the environment.

Health & Wellbeing


Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future. This will help all pupils to:


  • develop self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others
  • meet challenges, manage change and build relationships
  • experience personal achievement and build resilience and confidence
  • understand and develop physical,mental and spiritual wellbeing and social skills
  • understand how what we eat, how active we are and how decisions we make about behaviour and relationships affect physical and mental wellbeing
  • participate in a wide range of activities which promote a healthy lifestyle
  • understand that adults in school community have a responsibility to look after children, listen to their concerns and involve others where necessary
  • learn about where to find help and resources to inform choices
  • assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour
  • reflect on pupils strengths and skills to help them make informed choices when planning next steps
  • acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


We also have a programme of Personal and Social Development which is delivered through “Circle Time” and “Telling Tales”. Our Sexual Health and Wellbeing Programme is delivered P.1-7 and is entitled “Proud To Be Me.”  Parents may withdraw their child from Sexual Health after discussion with the Head Teacher.  Notification of withdrawal must be in writing.




The sciences framework provides a range of different contexts for learning which draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.


Learning in the sciences will enable pupils to:


  • develop curiosity and understanding of the environment and their place in the living, material and physical world
  • demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of the sciences
  • develop skills for learning, life and work
  • develop the skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques
  • develop skills in the accurate use of scientific language, formulae and equations
  • apply safety measures and take necessary actions to control risk and hazards
  • recognise the impact the sciences make on their life, the lives of others, the environment and on society
  • recognise the role of creativity and inventiveness in the development of the sciences
  • develop an understanding of the Earth’s resources and the need for responsible use of them
  • express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon sound understanding
  • develop as a scientifically-literate citizen with a lifelong interest in the sciences
  • establish the foundation for more advanced learning and future careers in the sciences and the technologies.



Social Studies

Social Studies is the area of the curriculum through which we seek to equip our children with skills which will help them understand the world in which they live.


Learning in the social studies will enable your child to:


  • develop understanding of the history, heritage and culture of Scotland, and an appreciation of local and national heritage within the world
  • broaden understanding of the world by learning about human activities and achievements in the past and present
  • develop understanding of their own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others
  • develop understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking
  • explore and evaluate different types of sources and evidence
  • learn how to locate, explore and link periods, people and events in time and place
  • learn how to locate, explore and link features and places locally and further afield
  • engage in activities which encourage enterprising attitudes
  • develop an understanding of concepts that stimulate enterprise and influence business
  • establish firm foundations for lifelong learning and for further specialised study and careers.




The technologies framework provides a range of different contexts for learning that draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.


It includes creative, practical and work-related experiences and outcomes in business, computing science, food, textiles, craft, design, engineering, graphics and applied technologies.  Learning in the technologies enables pupils to:


  • develop an understanding of the role and impact of technologies in changing and influencing societies
  • contribute to building a better world by taking responsible, ethical actions to improve their life, the lives of others and the environment
  • gain the confidence and skills to embrace and use technologies now and in the future, at home, at work and in the wider community
  • become an informed consumer and producer who has an appreciation of the merits and impacts of products and services
  • be capable of making reasoned choices relating to the environment, sustainable development and ethical, economic and cultural issues
  • broaden my understanding of the role that information and communications technology (ICT) has in Scotland and in the global community
  • broaden awareness of how ideas in mathematics and science are used in engineering and the technologies
  • experience work-related learning, and establish firm foundations for lifelong learning, and specialised study and careers.


It is important to remember that as children and young people play and learn they will develop an interest, confidence and enjoyment in ICT skills that can be transferred and applied in different learning contexts.



Expressive Arts         

Expressive Arts is made up of four subjects:

Art & Design, Drama, Music and Physical Education

At Chapelside we try to present each of these subjects to our pupils in an enjoyable and stimulating way. We aim to provide an educational experience in the expressive arts for all pupils, regardless of age, aptitude or physical or social circumstance, which is continuous and challenging.

The children are given a range of activities within each subject aimed at developing particular skills. Children then utilise and enhance these skills through cross-curricular activities.

Children are encouraged and given opportunity to perform new skills at our assemblies as well as to class mates.


Learning in, through and about the expressive arts:


  • enables pupils to experience the inspiration and power of the arts
  • recognises and nurtures creative and aesthetic talents
  • allows them to develop skills and techniques that are relevant to specific art forms and across the four capacities
  • provides opportunities to deepen their understanding of culture in Scotland and the wider world
  • is enhanced and enriched through partnerships with professional arts companies, creative adults and cultural organisations.

Religious & Moral Education

At Chapelside we believe that every child should be encouraged to develop his/her own spiritual understanding through the exploration of Christianity and other world religions. We want to provide our pupils with a broad and balanced programme which stimulates them to question and to reflect upon the spiritual dimension of life.


Our school chaplain, Rev. Margaret Currie, has an important part to play in our religious programme. She regularly contributes to our fortnightly assemblies and advises and assists in the delivery of the Christianity aspects of our Religious and Moral curriculum.

Learning through religious and moral education enables children to:


  • recognise religion as an important expression of human experience
  • learn about and from the beliefs, values, practices and traditions of Christianity and the world religions selected for study, other traditions and viewpoints independent of religious belief
  • explore and develop knowledge and understanding of religions, recognising the place of Christianity in the Scottish context
  • investigate and understand the responses which religious and non-religious views can offer to questions about the nature and meaning of life
  • recognise and understand religious diversity and the importance of religion in society
  • develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from their own
  • explore and establish values such as wisdom, justice, compassion and integrity and engage in the development of and reflection upon their own moral values
  • develop beliefs, attitudes, values and practices through reflection, discovery and critical evaluation
  • develop the skills of reflection, discernment, critical thinking and deciding how to act when making moral decisions
  • make a positive difference to the world by putting their beliefs and values into action
  • establish a firm foundation for lifelong learning, further learning and adult life.


Parents have the right, if they so wish, to withdraw their children from religious education and observance. Parents who wish to exercise this right should inform the school of their desire to do so in writing.

Parents/carers from ethnic minority religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests will be considered. Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register.


We will continue to consult and inform parents of their child’s progress within this curriculum.  We will work in partnership with parents in a variety of settings for example, curriculum workshops, showcase events and through regular newsletters and items on our website.


Assessment and Reporting

Assessment is an important part of the Curriculum for Excellence and, at all levels, pupils’ progress is closely monitored by teachers and staff.


In turn, teachers and staff work with pupils to reflect on their results, looking at their strengths and learning needs, agreeing next steps and action based on these. As they progress, pupils become more involved in this process, as they develop the skills to make effective judgements on their own learning, developing personal expertise that will be important to them throughout life. Assessment also helps teachers plan learning experiences which are motiving and challenging. Children who may have additional support needs will be assessed using methods best suited to their individual requirements.


Each year Chapelside Primary School will let you know what is being done to implement Curriculum for Excellence so that you can be confident that your child is receiving a high quality education.


At Chapelside Primary we are fully engaged with A Curriculum for Excellence (ACfE).  Previous learning and good practice has been assimilated into the new programmes of study to ensure our pupils experience effective continuity in their learning.


  • Staff now plan and deliver teaching and learning through the experiences and outcomes of ACfE
  • Staff have worked collaboratively to identify interdisciplinary topics which are relevant, meaningful and motivating for the children
  • Children are encouraged and supported in self-evaluating their learning, linked to the identified success criteria of the lesson
  • Senior Management monitor the work of the classes, observing lessons, questioning pupils, looking at jotters and offering feedback and support to further improve the quality of provision
  • Staff and pupils assess the work they are undertaking to identify good practice and areas for improvement
  • Children are given a wide range of opportunities to achieve success both academically and in other areas of school life. This fits with the North Lanarkshire policy on Raising Achievement For All
  • Formal arrangements for assessments are currently being developed. We will assess pupils as follows:
    • Primary 1 Baseline Assessment in September and May
    • SSLN assessments in Numeracy and Literacy for identified pupils


Parents are invited to attend twice yearly Parental & Pupil Visits. The first in the session is usually in October/November. Before this parents will receive an Interim Progress Report on their child’s achievements in the first part of the session 2019/2020. Full pupil reports will be issued in March and our second Parental & Pupil Consultation will be in May. We also hold 2 Showcase Afternoons when parent may visit classroom to see children work displayed and presented.

Parents are welcome to make an appointment if they have any concerns about their child’s progress or if they would like further information about teaching methods or aspects of the curriculum.


Additional Support Needs

Chapelside Primary School complies with the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended by the Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2009 and the Additional Support for Learning: Statutory Guidance 2017.

At times children may experience some kind of learning difficulty. When a teacher is aware that a pupil is experiencing difficulties then there are a variety of supports that we may provide for the child as appropriate.


This may include:

  • providing alternative resources
  • providing additional staff to allow the child to work in a small group situation
  • referral to Area Network Support Teacher to assist in supporting the child with specific learning difficulties.

Our school environment will support our children to grow and develop to be:


Safe – protected from abuse, neglect or harm at home, in school or in the community

Healthy – experiencing high standards of physical and mental health, and supported to make informed choices

Achieving – receiving support and guidance in their learning thus boosting their skills, confidence and self-esteem

Nurtured – having a nurturing and stimulating place to grow

Active – by offering many opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities helping them to build a fulfilling and happy future

Respected – given a voice and involved in the decisions which affect their well-being

Responsible – taking an active role within their schools and communities

Included – receiving help and guidance to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities and to be accepted as a member of the community in which they live and learn.


All pupils are encouraged to approach any adult in the school for support and guidance.


However, within the Getting It Right For Every Child framework the school has an identified Named Person that all pupils can approach when requiring support. It is the Named Person’s responsibility to liaise with class teachers and other agencies to ensure that every pupil’s needs are met.


At Chapelside the Named Person is the Head Teacher, Mrs Wendy Davie.

Provision is made for those learners for whom English is an additional language.


In some cases where we are concerned about a child’s learning and development, we may request the assistance of the educational psychologist. The educational psychologist can assist with detailed assessment of the child’s needs and in helping the school plan the best way ahead for the child. Parents will be consulted and the educational psychologist will only work with the child on the agreement of the parent. On occasions we may refer also to Speech & Language, Occupational Health and Child & Mental Health Services (CAMHS).


Looked After Children i.e. children who are cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the local authority are deemed to have Additional Support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise.


Getting it Right for Me Planning

GIRFMe enable staff to plan effectively for children and young people when interventions are required to support their learning and improve outcomes. Parents/carers and pupils are an essential part of the assessment; planning and review processes and their views will be actively sought.


Some children and young people may require significant support from education and at least one other agency, such as health, social work and/or voluntary agency to help them meet their learning targets. Where this support requires a high level or co-ordination the opening of a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) may be considered. A CSP may be initiated by the school or another agency.


Parents/carers and young people can, if they wish, request that a CSP be considered and would be involved in the process.


Parents/carers will receive letters from the Education Authority throughout the CSP process.


Parents/carers and young people will be invited to take part in the multiagency meetings and their views will be recorded in the plan.


Where more intensive support for a child or young person needs to be planned for, usually when a number of agencies are involved in supporting their wellbeing then a Child’s Plan may be developed. The plan will tell you what actions need to be taken and who will help with each actions. It will usually be someone called a ‘Lead Professional’ who will have the job of making sure that the actions outlined in the plan take place and things get better for the child or young person.



Dispute Resolution

North Lanarkshire Council is committed to resolving any differences of views through discussion, dialogue and building on common ground.


If the matter cannot be resolved with the Education Authority you have the right to request mediation. An independent mediation service is available to parents/carers and young people through Resolve (see contact details at the back of this handbook).  Mediation is free through Resolve and independent of the Education Authority.


In the event that a disagreement cannot be resolved through mediation, then an application for Independent Adjudication (see contact details at the back of this handbook) can be made by parents/carers free of charge.  The Independent Adjudicator will make recommendations to the Education Authority about how the dispute should be resolved.


The Additional Support Needs Tribunal has been set up to hear appeals made by parents, carers or young people on the decisions made by the Education Authority relating to Co-ordinated Support Plans, ASN placing requests and post school transition.  If you disagree with any decision relating to your child’s Co-ordinated Support Plan, either the creation of a CSP, or the content of it, you may be entitled to refer to the Tribunal.



Improvement Plan

Our School Improvement Proposed Priorities


Priority 1

Establish a digital pedagogy across all stages of the curriculum, which engages learners and delivers a high quality learning experience for all children and young people.


Priority 2

Further improve and support the mental, social, emotional and physical health of all children, families and staff.


Priority 3

Improve Attainment across Literacy, with a particular focus on Reading.


As well as focussing on these improvements we will continue to maintain and develop our work in relation to Eco Schools, Global Citizenship, GLOW and Enterprise.


Details of where information regarding Chapelside Primary’s performance at Local and National level can be obtained at





The purpose of homework is:


  • To reinforce and consolidate learning which has taken place in class
  • To encourage the child to take responsibility for his/her own learning
  • To practice acquired skills
  • To develop new skills
  • To share school experiences with parents.


Tasks are set by the class teacher and will be within the pupil’s capabilities, varied in content, relevant and realistic in duration. The length of time may vary dependent on the task set but should not take excessive time or cause distress. Homework will be set at each individual teacher’s discretion and the pattern and frequency of homework may vary at times, depending on the other activities children are involved in during the school day. Any issues regarding homework should be raised, in the first instance, with your child’s class teacher.




Below is a summary of the key points identified by staff, pupils and parents regarding Homework. As a group we decided the following actions.


  • Homework is presented online through Teams.
  • Children are issued with a jottings jotter to practise their tasks.
  • Teachers will access returned work in the relevant file.


Homework Grid


A Homework Grid will be issued which includes compulsory activities to be completed as well as a wide selection of other curricular activities which the children can choose from. These Grids provide variety and challenge and promotes independence.



Educational Websites


The school is responsive to appropriate websites currently all children have access to Sumdog.




School Ethos


Our Vision


“At Chapelside Primary we aim, in partnership with parents, the wider community and other services,

to provide a safe and caring environment within which each child is enabled to achieve his/her potential.”



Our Values


  1. We will follow instructions immediately.
  2. We will be respectful to others

  at all times.

  1. We shall not hurt each other.
  2. We shall try our best at all times.
  3. We shall keep safe at all times.



Rights Respecting Schools

As a school, we are currently working towards gaining status as a Unicef Rights Respecting School. We feel this is an important venture for us to continue all our positive work on respecting everyone in the school and local community. Every child in the school is in a R.O.C. (Rights of Chapelside) Group and we work together to promote different issues that can affect children’s rights such as community outreach, global learning and having our voices heard.  The R.O.C. groups for example can be: Eco/Gardening, Enterprise/ICT, Safety, Pupil Kindness, Community, Global Citizens, Pupil Council, Health and Marketing.


We work alongside Community Learning Development on a variety of initiatives.  We access local community through visits to Summerlee Museum, the local library, John Smiths swimming pool and The Time Capsule facilities.



Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural Values


Parents/Carers from ethnic minority religious communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events.  Only written requests will be considered.  Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absentee in the register.



Extra-Curricular Activities

We have a variety of clubs after school. It is enthusiastic members of staff, willing to give of their own time, who make all these clubs possible.


We also have Active Schools coaches who come in to school to take after school clubs.



Freedom Of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 came into force in 2005. The Act allows anyone to ask for information held by the Council, and imposes a timescale of 20 working days for the Council to respond. To deal with Freedom of Information requests, the Council has appointed a Corporate Freedom of Information Officer with the support of an officer in each Service. The Freedom of Information Co-ordinator can be contacted by telephone on 01698 302484.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Statement for Education


What is this statement?

This statement explains when and why we collect personal information about you, your child or young person and how this information is used, the conditions under which it may be disclosed to others and how it is kept secure.


Who are we?

North Lanarkshire Council is a Local Authority established under the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994. Education and Families is located in Civc Centre, Motherwell, ML1 1AB.


Why do we need your personal information and that of your child or young person?

The Council has a legal obligation to deliver an effective education service to all children and young people in North Lanarkshire. In order to do this we need to collect personal information about children, young people and their families so that we can help them to learn and keep them safe.


Legal basis for using your information

We provide this service as part of our statutory function as your Local Authority. Processing your personal information is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by the Council. If the information we have asked for is not provided, then we will not be able to provide this service to your child or young person.


Your personal information

Education uses the national IT system, SEEMiS, to store personal information electronically. We ask parents/carers during registration and enrolment to provide us with their child’s name, date of birth, gender, address, family contact details (phone/email). We will also ask you to update this information annually.


We may also ask you for information about medical conditions, additional support needs, religion, and ethnicity. We may also record information you might wish to provide about your family circumstances.


We require this information to ensure children and young people are educated appropriately, supported, and that we take account of their health and wellbeing.


During a child’s journey through education a pupil’s record is kept, this core record is mainly paper based and is stored securely in the child or young person’s establishment. If the establishment has requested assistance from educational staff outwith the nursery or school, key staff from these services may also store information securely about your child or young person.


How will we use this information?

Your personal information will be used:

  • To enrol your child or young person in nursery or school
  • to provide your child or young person with an appropriate education
  • for teaching, assessment and planning purposes and to monitor educational progress of children and young people
  • to support pupil learning, improve outcomes and identify where additional support is needed to help children and young people
  • to provide appropriate pastoral care to support health and wellbeing of children and young people
  • to keep children and young people safe
  • to maintain records e.g of attendance, absence, attainment and behaviour of children and young people (including exclusions)
  • to support children and young people during transitions when moving on each year from nursery to primary, primary to secondary and when they move or leave school
  • to enable schools and establishments to process personal data in support of SQA and Further Education
  • to monitor and report on pupil attainment and achievement in relation to the national improvement framework issued by the Scottish Government
  • to assure the quality of our education services in line with national expectations from Education Scotland.
  • When we require to contact you by post, email, telephone or text.



Who do we share information with?

To support your child or young person’s access to appropriate education and meet our legal obligations, personal information may be shared internally between Services of the Council. From time to time, education staff may also need to share information about you, your child or young person with another person from another agency or service, e.g. Social Work, Health.


We also share information with Scottish Government and bodies such as Education Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority, Skills Development Scotland and other organisations that support children and young people’s learning.


When a child or young person moves or transfers to another school the Council has an obligation to pass on information with regards to pupil records to the new school.


Only identified staff and those who require to have the information to enable them to carry out their job, will have access to you, your child or young person’s information. We care about the information we hold in respect to the education of children and young people. We will keep this information safe and secure.



How long do we keep your information for?

We only keep personal information for the minimum period of time necessary. Sometimes this is set out in law, but in most cases it is based on what we need to fulfil our function. We maintain a ‘records retention and disposal schedule’ which sets out how long we hold different types of information for.  You can view this on our website at



Your rights under GDPR

You can:

  • Request access to your information – you have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you, your child or young person. You can ask us to confirm what personal information is being used and with whom it has been shared with.
  • Request a correction to your information – we want to make sure that all personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. Therefore you may ask us to correct any personal information that you believe does not meet these standards.
  • Request the restriction of processing – this enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal information about you, your child or young person, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or clarify the reason for processing it.
  • Request the transfer – you can request the transfer of your information to another party.
  • Deletion of your informationyou have the right to ask us to delete personal information about you, your child or young person where:
  • you think that we no longer need to hold the information for the purposes for which it was originally obtained
  • you have a genuine objection to our use of personal information
  • or, use of personal information is contrary to law or our legal obligations.


If you wish to update any personal information, retrieve it, or have it removed from records please contact your child or young person’s head teacher or head of establishment in the first instance.

















Transferring Educational Data about Pupils


Education authorities and the Scottish Government.


Education Portfolio (SGEP) exchange data about pupils either on paper or electronically through the

ScotXed programme.


The data collected and transferred covers areas such as date of birth, postcode, registration for free-school meals, whether a pupil is looked after by his/her local authority, additional support needs including disability, attendance, absence and exclusions from school. Pupil names and addresses are collected by the school and the council but they are not passed to SGEP. The postcode is the only part of the address that is transferred. Data is held securely and no information on individual pupils can be published by SGEP


Providing national identity and ethnic background data is entirely voluntary. You can choose the ‘not disclosed’ option if you do not want to provide this data. However, we hope that the explanations contained in this message and on our website will help you understand the importance of providing the data.


Why do we need your data?

In order to make the best decisions about how to improve our education service, SGEP and education authorities need accurate, up-to-date data about our pupils. We are keen to help all our pupils do well in all aspects of school life and achieve better educational outcomes. Accurate and up-to-date data allows SGEP, education authorities and schools to:


  • plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of all pupils,
  • plan and deliver better policies for the benefit of specific groups of pupils,
  • better understand some of the factors that influence pupil attainment and achievement,
  • target resources better.



Your GDPR rights

The collection, transfer, processing and sharing of ScotXed data is done in accordance with the GDPR. We also comply with the National Statistics Code of Practice requirements and other legislation related to safeguarding the confidentiality of data. GDPR gives you the right to know how we will use your data.  This message can give only a brief description of how we use data.  Fuller details of the uses of pupil data can be found on the ScotXed website (


SGEP works with a range of partners including Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority. On occasion, we will make individual data available to partners and also academic institutions to carry out research and statistical analysis. In addition, we will provide our partners with information they need in order to fulfil their official responsibilities. Any sharing of data will be done under the strict control and prior agreement of the Data Access Panel in SGEP, which will ensure that no subject specific data will be made public as a result of the data sharing and that such data will not be used to take any actions in respect of an individual.


Further details are available on:



Any Concerns

If you have any concerns about the ScotXed data collections you can email: or write to: The ScotXed Support Office, SEGP, Area 1B, Victoria Quay, Leith, EH6 6QQ. Alternative versions of this page are available, on request from the ScotXed Support Office, in other languages, audio tape, braille and large print.


Want more information?

Further details about ScotXed data exchanges are available on the ScotXed website,


Child Protection

Every adult in Scotland has a role in ensuring all our children and young people are safe and protected from harm at all times and in all situations.

The Head Teacher is responsible for the school’s actions in response to Child Protection concerns.

If there are any Child Protection concerns the Head Teacher or the Child Protection Co-ordinator will follow North Lanarkshire Child Protection Procedures and Guidelines.

Chapelside’s Child Protection Co-ordinator is Mrs Wendy Davie (Head Teacher) 01236 632128.


Adult Protection


The Council has responsibility under the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 for the protection and support of adults at risk of harm within North Lanarkshire. Its employees therefore have the responsibility to ensure the welfare of all adults at risk of harm with whom they come into contact, as well as providing the highest possible standard of care for some of the most vulnerable members of our society. If there are any Adult Protection concerns the Head Teacher or the Adult Protection Co-ordinator will follow North Lanarkshire Adult Protection Procedures and Guidelines.


Adult Protection Co-ordinator is: Mrs Wendy Davie (Head Teacher)


Telephone number: 01236 632128






















School Discipline

Promoting Positive Behaviour

The quality of education which can be offered is dependent upon the quality and effectiveness of the learning and teaching which can be provided. To be fully effective, this requires the existence of a positive and harmonious environment within the school.


To ensure this type of environment, a code of discipline based on principles of mutual respect and consideration must be established, understood and heeded by all within the school. Such a code can only be effective with the full co-operation of all involved in the process, staff, parents and pupils.


In general, pupils will be encouraged to become responsible for their own standard of behaviour.

We aim to promote personal responsibility in all decisions children make with regard to their behaviour. Staff have high expectations for all pupils and these are shared and monitored regularly throughout the school day/week/year. Parents are an essential part of this process and will be fully involved in supporting their child.


Every child and member of staff is a member of a house. These are currently in the theme of planets: Playful Pluto, Magical Mars, Super Saturn and Jazzy Jupiter. The children can earn house counters for a variety of positive behaviours – coloured counters = 1 point and a white counter from H.T. = 10 points.  Every child can record the number of white counters earned on their prize card and these can be redeemed at out ‘Prize Shop’. We also have a weekly and termly house winner. Throughout the year we host a variety of house events for the children to participate in e.g. Obstacle course, Christmas quiz.


In addition, individual effort certificates are presented to a number of pupils from each class on a weekly basis. These certificates can be taken home. Particular effort will be identified by the class teacher in any area of school life to ensure that every child has an opportunity of having his/her effort recognised.


In Chapelside Primary School, staff actively promote positive behaviour by using rewards and praise to acknowledge effort, good behaviour and good manners. Restorative Practices are used most effectively to resolve any conflict which may arise.


At all times we need and appreciate the support of parents in helping the school to assist children in the development of self-discipline. We are seeking to promote an atmosphere of respect and caring where children can learn and grow in harmony with each other appreciating the need for order and a positive attitude towards themselves and others.


Positive Progress – Code of Practice


  1. Class teacher sends out a letter inviting parents to meet with them when a child’s behaviour is giving cause for concern. The class teacher will have taken all possible steps to ensure barriers to children’s learning have been explored and addressed through Staged Intervention Procedures prior to this invitation being issued.


In the event of the unacceptable behaviour being linked to the playground or dining hall, then the member of support staff must provide a detailed written account of the incidents to allow the class teacher to cascade these to the parents. (Support staff member can be asked to the meeting if felt necessary). These incidents must be within a short period of time before a parent is invited to the school.


  1. Parents, Carers and pupils attend meeting with class teacher when an agreement to keep a Positive Progress Diary for one week is established and a second appointment is made to review the diary. An appointment slip is issued to parents at this meeting.


  1. The Positive Progress Diary (PPD) is kept for one week. This diary should reflect both positive and negative (if any) experiences that the child has had in class during the week.


  1. Parents meet again with the class teacher as agreed. If the child is moving into Action Plan a member of the SMT will attend this meeting.


If the PPD shows a positive response then the matter is closed and parents are thanked for their involvement in the process. The child is told of this decision and reminded that the process will begin again should his / her behaviour give any cause for concern.


If the PPD shows a predominance of negative behaviours a two week action plan will be established. The class teacher, parents and child discuss the behaviour which will be targeted in week 1 of the 2 week Action Plan. This is recorded on the Action Plan Booklet and the diary is maintained for two weeks. Targets may be changed weekly during this time if children are successful in overtaking the agreed target.


Staff, parents and the child comment on how they feel about progress each week. An appointment is made to discuss the Action Plan in two weeks time.


All records being kept must be written up, in consultation with the child, every day.


  1. Parents / Carers, class teachers and SMT meet again after two weeks to discuss progress.


  1. After the 2 week consultation if progress is still not being made then the Head Teacher will meet with the parents to discuss and implement procedures / sanctions as required.





At Chapelside Primary we aim, in partnership with parents, the wider community and other services, to provide a safe and caring environment within which each child is encouraged to achieve his/her potential.


Throughout every aspect of school life, we aim to help pupils to have an appropriate regard for self, and for others and their needs.

The recording of bullying or alleged bullying incidents are recorded electronically as part of the schools monitoring system.


We believe that the development of co-operative attitudes, courtesy and concern for others helps to prevent bullying behaviour.

Sadly, however, bullying can happen and we need to take action to stop it.

These are the guidelines we follow:

Bullying in any form, verbal, physical or threatening, will not be tolerated and parental co-operation will be sought to ensure that such unacceptable behaviour is eradicated at an early stage.  If any parent suspects that his/her child is being bullied, this must be communicated to a member of staff to enable action to be taken.


The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy:



  • Where reported (by child or adult) that a pupil is being picked on it will be fully investigated, and given as much time as it takes until there is a degree of acceptance about the pupil feeling secure in the school. Though it is an important lesson to know that everyone may be unhappy sometimes, it will not be accepted by us that a child is in a general state of unhappiness, and we will not stop working with that child until the child feels things have improved.


At Chapelside Primary School we aim to provide a safe, happy and secure environment for our children.  However, we recognise that bullying does exist and is a problem common to many schools.  We believe that it can only be effectively dealt with if parents, staff and children work together to find a solution.  This position statement sets out some of our approaches to dealing with feelings regarding bullying.



What is bullying?

Bulling is a persistent, intentional abuse of power to hurt. It is not a one-off incident or even a sporadically recurring incident—it is intentionally repeated towards the same person. It is not always physical; it can be verbal, social or emotional in nature and can be identified by.


*anger              *upset               *discrimination               *frustration                        *isolation

*manipulation    *fear                 *hurt                             *embarrassment



Who is involved?

There can be one, or in some instances, more than one person who bullies one, or occasionally, a group of others.  Bullying is damaging not only to the person being bullied but also to the person displaying bullying behaviour.  Consideration should also be given to the damage and/or responsibilities of pupils who may be aware that it is happening although not directly participating in it.


What can we do about it?

Everyone in the school has a role to play in stopping and eradicating bullying.


The School Management

  • To work with staff, children and parents to encourage a climate of respect, caring, openness and support
  • To support class teachers
  • To ensure both the pupil affected and the pupil displaying bullying behaviour are counselled and/or supported
  • Take appropriate actions where deemed necessary


The Class teacher

  • To discuss bullying and its effects on a regular basis
  • To provide a model of respect in interactions with others
  • To be aware of and defuse potential situations before they escalate
  • To foster a climate where children report bullying
  • To take action or give advice where necessary
  • To monitor and record conflicts and to report them to the school management


Support Staff

The Janitor and playground supervisors

  • To observe and monitor children’s behaviour outside the classroom and intervene to defuse incidents
  • To report incidents which give rise to concern


The Clerical Staff

  • To provide a channel of communication through which incidents can be reported
  • To support the children



You can support your child by:

  • Letting them know you appreciate being told
  • Encourage your child to let the school know immediately if there are things they are unhappy with.
  • Letting them know that it may not be their fault if they have been picked on
  • Helping your child to express any feeling of anger or sadness
  • Reporting repeated or serious incidents to the school
  • Allowing the school time to deal with the matter
  • Co-operating with the efforts of the school in dealing with the problem
  • Letting the school know if there is any recurrence of the problem



When bullying is discussed children should be given advice about how to react to and deal with bullies and bullying.


They should be aware that they should not:

  • blame themselves      think like a victim
  • put themselves at risk


They should try to:

  • stay calm                             stay with friends            ●    keep in control
  • tell someone – friend, teacher, parent, other responsible adult


It may also be helpful to:

  • look confident
  • avoid over-worrying


And above all – do not stay silent, do not accept things you do not like – say no, say stop – and if the person does not stop, then let them know you will telland do so.


If children see someone else being picked on they should report it to an adult so that it can be dealt with.


These are messages we will relay to our pupils from P1 onwards. Our playgrounds are supervised, and our classes often have more than one adult in them. There are many people that children can turn to.


No Hitting:

Bullying can be complex and difficult to solve, but physical retaliation usually only makes the situation worse.  It can cause injury, make it more difficult to establish the persons responsible and undermine all efforts to develop self-control.


The only acceptable approach is to encourage children to use the strategies outlined.


Dealing with bullying

In school we:

  • Take reports seriously and investigate all instances
  • Support the affected children  and talk to the person who is displaying bullying behaviour plus their parents
  • Discuss the consequences of their actions with children
  • Involve parents and enlist their support in resolving the situation
  • Where necessary, in extreme cases, involve other agencies and involve the education authority


By working together, children, staff and parents, we can make a difference and stop bullying


Where a situation remains unclear, or even after a situation has been dealt with, there are a number of options for children who continue to display bullying behaviour and those affected. Most who display bullying behaviour have previously by bullying behaviour themselves. It is not appropriate to stereotype particular children. It serves no good for a pupil to consider themselves as a typical victim or culprit:


The pupil experiencing the bullying

Close monitoring of a pupil – this may be monthly, weekly or daily, depending on circumstances; in this case the HT or another adult will chat to a pupil and get an update regarding the pupil’s feelings about the playground, or past impact of bullying behaviour, or any other concerns, until we are sure that this pupil no longer needs such close support in the school.

Procedures will also be doubly emphasised to them, in particular the need to tell adults, to not save up complaints, and to tell as soon as possible, and as honestly as possible (including any wrong-doings they themselves may have committed!)

Where a wrong-doing has occurred the pupil affected will, when appropriate, be involved in the decisions regarding the actions to be taken with the pupil who has been displaying the bullying behaviour, and will certainly be informed of the measures taking place, and their agreement will be sought in this regard.


The pupil displaying bullying behaviour

All pupils who have been displaying bullying behaviour will be given the chance to make amends. Actions should serve two functions: to improve the behaviour of the culprit, and to protect the members of the school community. They will be given a chance to understand the hurt they have caused and therefore to stop such behaviours. Progress will be carefully monitored. Actions will vary according to when and how the incident has occurred, and the affected pupil will be involved in these discussions when appropriate. Where there is repetition, then the parents of the pupil displaying bullying behaviour will be involved.


As stated above, in more extreme cases then there are certain statutory procedures that have to be followed, involving other agencies; in such circumstances confidentiality has to be adhered to, and it may not be possible to inform the affected pupil or the affected pupil’s parents in as much detail about what is happening to the pupil who has been displaying bullying behaviour at this point. In all cases, the rights of individuals will be taken fully into account; however, the school community as a whole has rights, to be a place of safety and learning, and this also must be kept foremost in everybody’s in mind.








There are also a number of ways in which the curriculum supports these aims; for instance:


  • Health Education

Health Education is not just a series of lessons about health but also about how we take responsibility for ourselves and our relationships; over the year therefore we look at physical health, social health and emotional health, while trying to reinforce the lessons learned in the context of our pupils real daily lives.


  • Personal and Social Development Lessons

Guidance in personal and social development creates the foundation stone for all other possible developments. Proper conduct, consideration, cooperation and reflection are encouraged on a daily basis across all subjects, and this is reinforced through the use of different schemes in classes, such as Circle Time, Peer Mediation, and Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS)



Children are young and are learning—and this includes learning how to behave, learning how to treat others, and learning effectively how to respond to pressures. There is no magic wand that makes everything OK for everybody; but where intentions are honourable, where there is a determination to have a just and progressing society, where stated procedures are backed up by actions, and where support for the values of the school is made clear, then we steadfastly aim that the processes and systems of the school will strengthen and support our pupils through any challenges that arise.










Home and School Links


At Chapelside we believe that if the links between home and school are strong then this will have a positive effect on the child’s attitude and performance at school. Therefore we try to ensure that we communicate regularly and in a variety of ways with parents.

There are twice yearly Parents’ Visits which aim to give detailed information on your child’s progress. Parents however are very welcome to call at the school any time to arrange a suitable meeting to discuss aspects of their child’s education which they may have concerns about or if they wish additional information.

A variety of workshops designed to give parents more information about the curriculum and how they can assist their child’s education, are organised at different times throughout the year. Our annual Open Afternoon gives parents the opportunity to visit classrooms.


Volunteers are sought to assist with general activities throughout the year and these volunteers may be called on to carry out a variety of duties in classes throughout the year – not necessarily always in your own child’s class. Any parent wishing to become involved in this way should contact any member of staff to express their interest. All adults working in school will be authorised on successful completion of an Enhanced Disclosure Check/PVG.


Parents are invited into school to offer additional support for children’s learning where they have a particular skill, talent or knowledge base which will enhance the work being undertaken in class. We encourage our parents to let us know if they would be willing to offer this provision during the school year.


Monthly newsletters are sent out to keep parents informed about school events.  Information is also available on the school twitter page @ChapelsidePS


On occasions we email first contact of all pupils to remind and inform school information.  Urgent information is sent via text.

We have an active Parent Council which meets regularly and to which all parents are invited to attend.

Links between home and school are always encouraged and welcomed.


Attendance at School

Section 30 of the 1980 Education Act places a duty on every parent/carer of a child of ‘school age’ to ensure that their child attends school regularly. Attendance must be recorded twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Regulation 7 of The Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Amendment, Etc. Regulations 1993  requires each child’s absence from school to be recorded in the school register as authorised or unauthorised as defined by the Scottish Government.

At the start of each school session, parents will be asked to provide contact details including at least one emergency contact number. Parents are required to inform the school if these contact details change during the course of the year. Parents and carers are asked to inform the school by letter or by telephone, if your child is likely to be absent for some time. Please give your child a note on his/her return to school, confirming the reason for absence. Failure to do so will result in school staff accessing all contact numbers provided for the child.  In the interest of child safety if all attempts to locate the child have been exhausted the Police will be contacted.













Family Holidays During Term Time


Every effort should be made to avoid family holidays during term time as this both disrupts the child’s  education and reduces learning time. Parents/carers should inform the school by letter of the dates before going on holiday.


Absences will be classified as authorised only in exceptional circumstances. Such circumstances may include:

A family holiday judged to be important to the well being and cohesion of the family, following serious or terminal illness, bereavement or other traumatic events.

A family holiday classified under the “authorised absence” category will not include such reasons as:


  • The availability of cheap holidays
  • The availability of desired accommodation
  • Poor weather experience during school holidays
  • Holidays which overlap the beginning or end of term
  • Parental difficulty obtaining leave (except in cases where evidence is provided by the employer that it cannot accommodate leave during school holidays without serious consequences)


Family holidays with the above similar characteristics will be classified as unauthorised absence. Where the Head Teacher’s prior agreement has not been sought the absence will automatically be classed as unauthorised.


Extended Leave With Parental Consent


Where most family holidays will be recorded as unauthorised absence (see above) extended leave with parental consent will not be considered the same as a family holiday. Leave in such circumstances will be authorised under circumstances such as:

  • Extended overseas educational trips not organised by the school
  • Short-term parental placement abroad
  • Family returning to its country of origin (to care for a relative, or for cultural reasons)
  • Leave in relation to the children of travelling families


Exceptional Domestic Circumstances


Parents/carers may request permission for such leave, in writing, and the school may authorise such requests under the following circumstances:

  • The period immediately after an accident or illness
  • A period of serious or critical illness of a close relative
  • A domestic crisis which causes serious disruption to the family home, causing temporary relocation.

It should be emphasised that the school investigates unexplained absence and that the authority has the power to write to, interview or prosecute parents/carers, or to refer pupils to the Reporter of the Children’s Panel, if necessary. A statement of the school’s policy including procedures for the enforcement of attendance.


School and the Local Community

The school aims to be an integral part of the local community. In keeping with authority policy our accommodation is available, out with school hours, for use by members of the community. Enquiries and applications for the use of the accommodation should be made to the area community education officer whose address is listed in the directory at the back of this handbook.

In conjunction with our colleagues from Community Education, various short courses are available at certain times within the school during the school day.

Our pupils are encouraged to support local events. We use local amenities and use every opportunity to involve members of the community in our school events.

We lay great emphasis on encouraging our pupils to contribute to their community and to assist in working towards making it a better place.


Breakfast Service

The service is available to ALL pupils daily from 8.15 a.m. Last breakfast is served

at 8.40 a.m. Breakfast costs £1 to pupils who are not entitled to free meals.

Clothing & Uniform


All North Lanarkshire schools must have a dress code which encourages pupils to dress in a way which is appropriate to attendance at school. This dress code must not lead to direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability. Prior to drawing up the dress code the parents/carers, pupils and staff were fully consulted. It is the expectation of Education and Families that parents/carers will be keen to support the dress code and written agreement may be sought.

Clothing which is unacceptable in school under any circumstances includes items which:

  • could potentially encourage factions (e.g. football colours)
  • could cause offence (e.g. anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)
  • could cause health and safety difficulties, such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings and other potentially dangerous jewellery
  • are of flammable materials which may be a danger in certain classes (e.g. shell suits)
  • could cause damage to flooring
  • carry advertising particularly for alcohol or tobacco
  • could be used to inflict injury to other pupils or to be used by others to do so


Parents/carers in receipt of a clothing grant from the council will be encouraged to purchase items which are in accordance with the school dress code. Approvals of any requests for such grants in other circumstances are at the discretion of the Executive Director or Education& Families. Information and application forms may be obtained from any school or First Stop Shop. Parents are entitled to receive a clothing grant if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits: income support, job seeker’s allowance (income based), employment and support allowance (income related) Universal Credit, housing benefit, council tax rebate.


Whilst in general terms it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely on the basis of his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code might be deemed to be a serious challenge to the head teacher’s authority and be detrimental to the well being of the whole school community. In such circumstances the head teacher may justify the use of the school discipline procedure.


The Council wishes to minimise claims arising from the loss of pupils’ clothing and/or personal belongings. Parents/carers are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing, jewellery, etc., are not brought to school. Parents should note that any claims submitted to cover the loss of such items are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent.



At Chapelside our uniform is:

Grey/black trousers or skirt

Red sweatshirt (with Chapelside logo)

White polo shirt

Optional white shirt/Chapelside tie














School meals are available each day of the school session.

A choice of a hot, two course, traditional meal or snack type alternative is on the menu each day.

We are trying to encourage the children to eat a healthy and balanced diet and hope to develop new ways of promoting healthy eating habits.

Parents should notify the school if their child requires a special diet. Diets required as a result of a medical condition (a medically prescribed diet e.g. coeliac disease, diabetes, food allergy or intolerance) can be provided in school. A medically prescribed diet form must be completed by the child’s Registered Dietician or General Practitioner. Procedures and forms can be accessed from the child’s school or dietician, or from North Lanarkshire catering service. Occasionally, parents/carers may be asked to supply prescription foods or attend a meeting to discuss the child’s dietary requirements.

Some children with additional support needs may require food to be adapted to an appropriate texture and consistency. In this instance the child’s Registered Dietician or Speech and Language Therapist will liaise with the Head Teacher and school catering service to ensure appropriate food provision.

Special diets required for ethical, religious or cultural reasons should be requested in writing to the Head Teacher, who will liaise with the school catering service.

If a child brings their own packed lunch they are seated with the other diners in the lunch hall.


Parents should be assured that if their child loses or forgets lunch money, then he/she will choose his/her lunch as normal and the money should be brought the next day.

As of August 2021 all pupils of Primary 1 – 4 are entitled to a free school meal. This includes breakfast at Breakfast Club.


Children of parents receiving Income Support, Universal Credit, Job Seeker’s Allowance (income based) or Employment and Support Allowance (income related) are entitled to a meal without charge.

Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools, first stop shops and Municipal Buildings, Coatbridge.

Parents are entitled to receive a clothing grant if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits: Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (income based), Employment & Support Allowance (income related), Universal Credit, housing benefit, council tax rebate.


Only primary school children who receive free school meals are entitled to free milk. Milk may however be available for purchase in the school during morning interval and at lunchtime.


From September 2020, all eligible two year olds and all children aged from 3 to those not yet attending primary school, that attend a North Lanarkshire Council Nursery or a Funded Provider (childminder or voluntary/private nursery), will be entitled to 1140 hours Early Learning and Childcare provision. Those children attending for four hours per day, or more, will receive a free meal as part of the Early Learning and Childcare entitlement.



(i) General

The council has a policy of providing free transport to all primary pupils who live more than one mile from their catchment school by the shortest suitable walking route. This policy is more generous than the law requires. This provision may be reviewed at any time. Parents/carers who consider they are eligible should obtain an application form from the school or from Education and Families. These forms should be completed and returned before the end of February for those pupils beginning school in August to enable the appropriate arrangements to be made.

Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year but may be subject to delay whilst arrangements are made.


There is discretion in certain circumstances to grant privilege transport for pupils to travel in transport provided by the authority, where spare places are available and no additional costs are incurred.


(ii) Pick up points

Where free transport is provided it may be necessary for pupils to walk a certain distance to the vehicle pick-up point. Walking distance in total, including the distance from home to the pick-up point and from the drop-off point to the school in any one direction, will not exceed the authorities’ limits (see above paragraph). It is the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to ensure that their child arrives at the pick-up point in time. It is also the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to ensure the child behaves in a safe and acceptable manner whilst boarding, travelling in and alighting from the vehicle. Misbehaviour could result in a loss of the right to free transport.


(iii) Placing Requests

The council does not provide transport for those pupils in receipt of a placing request other than in exceptional circumstances.


In the case of early entry requests if a child is offered a place in the catchment area school, transport will be provided in accordance with the Council’s policy as stated.


Medical and Health Care

Medical examinations are carried out on each child during their first year of primary school and around the age of 10/11. These examinations are carried out by nurses from Lanarkshire Health Board. Parents may, if they wish, refer their child at other times to the Clinical Medical Officer for examination or advice.

Dental inspections are also carried out on a routine basis in primary schools and parents are offered any necessary treatment for their children although they may choose to go instead to the family dentist.

The school actively participates in the tooth brushing programme monitored by dental nurses.


On a day to day basis in school any child sustaining a minor injury would be treated by Mrs Waitkins, one of our Classroom Assistants, who is now qualified at administering First Aid treatment. If a child becomes ill or has an accident requiring medical treatment, every effort is made to contact parents. If this is not possible the child will be taken to the family doctor or to the casualty department of Monklands Hospital and will remain in our care until handed over to a parent or other responsible close relative.

Children are never sent home unaccompanied due to illness. Parents are contacted, or a named emergency contact person and they are asked to collect the child. Where this is not possible, then the child can be made comfortable until the parent arrives.

If your child has to take any kind of medicine during the school day and you are not able to attend school yourself to administer it, you are asked to inform the school office. They will give you a form to complete which will give details of the medicine and how often it is to be given. It is very important you check on a regular basis that your child’s medication (e.g. inhaler) is still in date and replace when necessary.


Please do not ever send medication into school with your child. An adult must always hand the appropriate medication into school, sign the administration form and collect any unused medication when it is no longer required. Medication will never be sent home with a child.


If a young person is unable to attend a suitable educational establishment as a result of prolonged ill health, North Lanarkshire Council must make special arrangements for the pupil to receive education elsewhere, other than at an educational establishment.


In North Lanarkshire, children and young people are treated in the paediatric in-patient unit within Wishaw General Hospital. It is not common for children and young people to have extended stays in Wishaw General, and therefore North Lanarkshire Council does not require a dedicated hospital education service.


Children and young people resident in North Lanarkshire, and in hospital in Glasgow, may access education through the Hospital Education Service (HES). The service is provided by Glasgow City Education Department and Social Work Services. For further information, please contact the school.





Information in emergencies

We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions circumstances arise which lead to disruption. For example, schools may be affected by severe weather, temporary interruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or reopening.  We shall keep you informed by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in local churches and announcements in the press, on local radio and the North Lanarkshire Council’s website and Twitter.



The Parent Forum

As a parent/carer of a child at this school you are automatically a member of the Parent Forum. The Parent Forum is composed of all the parents and carers of children at the school.

You can contact any member of the parent council at


As a member of the Parent Forum you can expect to:

  • get information about what your child is learning
  • get information about events and activities at the school
  • get advice/help on how you can support your child’s learning
  • be told about opportunities to be involved in the school
  • have a say in selecting a Parent Council to work on behalf of all parents/carers at the school
  • be invited to identify issues for the Parent Council to work on with the school.

The Parent Council

NB Parent Councils came into force on 1 August 2007.

The composition of the Parent Council is determined by the Parent Forum and the Head Teacher is the professional adviser to the Parent Council.

Chairperson = Ms N Smith

Vice Chairperson = Mrs J Adams

Secretary = Mrs I Swan, Mrs J McAleese

Treasurer = Mrs D Sneddon


The Parent Council’s rights and duties include:

(a) supporting the work of the school;

(b) representing the views of parents/carers;

(c) consulting with parents/carers and reporting back to the Parent Forum on matters of interest;

(d) promoting contact between the school, parents/carers, pupils and the wider community;

(e) fundraising;

(f) taking part in the selection of senior promoted staff;

(g) receiving reports from the head teacher and education authority; and

(h) receiving an annual budget for administration, training and other expenses.

(i) Improving home school partnership and facilitating parental involvement.


The Head Teacher has a right and duty to attend all meetings of the Parent Council. Meetings of the Parent Council are open to all members of the public. The Parent Council hold an annual AGM where members may be elected.  All office bearers hold their office post for two years whilst members and co-opted members are for one year.

Members of Parent Councils, on a voluntary basis, may also have an advisory role in decisions on placing requests by parents in respect of those situations where the number of placing requests for a particular school or for a particular stage in a particular school exceeds the number of places available.







Supervision in Non-Class Times

An adult presence is provided in playgrounds at break times in terms of the Schools (Safety and Supervision of Pupils) (Scotland) Regulations 1990.

Placing Requests

You have the right to make a placing request for your child to be educated in a school other than the local school. In December each year, the authority will advertise its arrangements for placing requests. There are sound educational reasons for trying to ensure that the transfer or admission of children to a school takes place at the start of a school session. Other than those who are moving home to a new area, parents/carers are advised to time any placing requests so that they take effect from the beginning of the new school session. Every effort will be made to try to meet the parental wishes, but you should note that it is not always possible to grant every placing request to a particular school.

Placing requests to Primary School does not necessarily ensure that your child will have a direct entry to the associated secondary. Advice on this must be sought from the Primary School Head Teacher. Further information on placing requests and procedures is available from the school or the council’s website.

Parents/carers and Young People have a right under the Additional Support for Learning Act 2009 to make a placing request for their child or young person to attend a nursery (including partnership nursery), special school or special class managed by the home authority. In the event of a successful placing request the authority are not required to provide transport. The Act also enables parents/carers and young people to make a placing request to attend a school/establishment belonging to another authority.

Transfer from Primary School to Secondary School:

Pupils are normally transferred between the ages of 11 years and 6 months and 12 years and 6 months, so that they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education.   Parents/carers will be informed of the arrangements no later than December of the year preceding the date of transfer at the start of the new session.

Pupils from Chapelside usually transfer to:

Airdrie Academy

South Commonhead Avenue


Tel (01236) 632161


Airdrie Academy Cluster Vision Statement

“Standing Together We Are Great”


Our cluster vision statement was created in partnership with all of our associated primary schools and an excellent example of pupils leading change in our school community. Pupils from Chapelside, Golfhill, Tollbrae, Victoria, New Monklands, Greengairs and Rochsolloch primaries worked with Airdrie Academy pupils to determine our shared cluster vision.


We work collaboratively to provide the best opportunities and outcomes for all of the pupils that we serve.  Our vision shows that we put our young people and our community at the heart of everything we do.  From age 3-18 we aim to ensure that all pupils are achieving their full potential in school and develop the skills to live a happy, healthy and successful life.


We achieve this through;

  1. Success and resilience: Work your hardest to achieve your goals, never give up.
  2. Community: Feel included and include everyone. Have a positive impact on yourself and others.
  3. Active: Be active in lessons, at clubs, at home and in the community to achieve a healthy body and mind.
  4. Skills for work: Enquire, explore and problem solve. Find or create your dream job.






Useful Addresses:


Education & Families

North Lanarkshire Council

Municipal Buildings

Kildonan Street




Councillors for Airdrie Central:

Cllr Jim Logue

Cllr Nancy Pettigrew

Cllr David Stocks

Cllr Trevor Douglas

Civic Centre

Windmillhill Street





Chief Executive

North Lanarkshire Council

Civic Centre

Windmillhill Street





Airdrie CLD Locality Office

Chapelside Community Centre

Waddell Street



Tel: 01236 638538




Education & Families Managers

Jill Woodward, Jackie Cahill, Pauline O’Neil

North Lanarkshire Council

Civic Centre

Windmillhill Street






Help and advice on any matters relating to Support for Learning can be obtained from:

John McLaughlin



You can also get more help and advice from:

Enquire – The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. Operated by Children in Scotland, Enquire offers independent confidential advice and information on additional support for learning. Enquire also provide a range of fact sheets.




Children in Scotland

Rosebery House

9 Haymarket Terrace


EH12 5EZ


Tel No: 0345 123 2303

email: for parents/carers and practitioners for children and young people


0131 313 8844


Independent Adjudicator

Scottish Government

Directorate for Learning

Support and Wellbeing Unit

Area 2C North

Victoria Quay




Reference to Additional Support Needs Tribunal (Scotland)


Health & Educational Chamber

First Tier Tribunal for Scotland

Glasgow Tribunals Centre

20 York Street


G2 8GT

Helpline: 0141 302 5860



NHS Lanarkshire

Airdrie Community Health Centre

88 Graham Street



01236 772200


Social Work

Coats House

Gartlea Road



01236 757000















Appendix (1)


Emergency Closures

There may be occasions when either due to adverse weather conditions or circumstances out with our control that the school may be closed at short notice, In the event of this happening all children will be kept safely in school until a parent, guardian or named emergency contact comes to collect them.

No child will be dismissed or allowed to make their own way home unsupervised.


In cases where you are unable to collect your child yourself, it is essential that we have the emergency contact number of a designated adult who can be contacted at all times throughout the day.



All pupils will be given a letter explaining why the closure was necessary and when pupils should return to school.

At the beginning of every session we will update our records of each child’s emergency contact. If there are any changes during the session to this record, please let the school know immediately. Remember that the emergency contact should be someone who is not working during the school day and lives locally.







Although this information is accurate at time of printing, there could be changes affecting any of the matters dealt with in the document –


  1. before the commencement or during the course of the school year in question
  2. in relation to subsequent school years


Education authorities are required by law to issue a copy of the school handbook to certain parents/carers in December each year. It details the current policies and practices of both the Council and the school.



Chapelside Primary

School Handbook

Session 2022/2023

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