Safer Internet

Calderhead High School’s Digital Leaders (S5 pupils Kaitlin Smith, Michaela Hughes, Alana Mcleod, Ceinwyn Barr and Yoana Vankova) organised Safe Internet Day Assemblies and workshops for S1-S3 pupils on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st January.

The groups undertook a number of activities including a Mind Map station and informational video clips. The Leaders were able to see how much knowledge the younger year groups had of the dangers of the internet and how to be safe online by undertaking a quiz as a year group. This was a great way to get everyone interacting as the quiz was not just a “yes or no” answer – the participants also got involved in a great discussion about internet safety.

Fundraising for Malawi

Amy - MalawiIn 2015, Malawi was ranked the third poorest country in the world with an average income of only £520 per year. Calderhead High School developed links with Thuchila Secondary School, which is situated in a rural area of Malawi, and we agreed to raise funds for the school. In particular, we aim to raise £500 to help sponsor a home school partnership worker in Thuchila who will help pupils, especially girls, to continue their education. S2 pupil, Amy Wilson, has been fundraising for Malawi by selling delicious homemade tablet in school. The tablet was made by Amy and her family. Well done, Amy!

Harry Potter Night

We had a great time celebrating Harry Potter Book Night in the library at lunchtime on Thursday, 2nd February.

Pupils were sorted into their houses, Gryffndor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, before taking part in a Harry Potter quiz which showed their extensive knowledge of all things Potter.

The celebration ended with some spirited wizard duelling, judged by our very own “Professor” Galloway. Special thanks also to “Professor” Biggerstaff who presided over the sorting ceremony.

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4th Year Achieve Group

4th Year AchieveS4 Achieve pupils Caitlin, Natalia & Jemma were invited by Stane Primary School to teach Primary 4, 5 and 6 pupils special effect makeup techniques, as part of the school’s art fortnight. The pupils enjoyed learning all about SFX makeup and no doubt a few of their parents will be getting a fright when they see the makeup applied!


Safer Internet Day

SID 2017 LogoSafer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday, 7th February with the slogan ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community.

For more information, see the Safer Internet Day 2017 website and check out some of the links on our Useful Links page.

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year 2017 – The Year of the Rooster. The Chinese New Year celebrations started on 28th January and will continue until 15 February.  The new year, also known as the Spring Festival, is marked by the lunisolar Chinese calendar, so the date changes from year to year.

Chinese new yearCalderhead Book Group and French Club came together at lunchtime on Friday to celebrate the new year.  Catherine Lumsden, one of this year’s Tianjin Scholars, spoke to the pupils about her experiences in Tianjin and taught them some Mandarin. The pupils also got an opportunity to try using chopsticks and discovered that it is not as easy as it looks! Thanks to Catherine for coming in to speak to us.


Chemistry News

Chemistry prelim packSenior pupils are busy studying for their prelim exam – S4 pupils were recently issued with study packs to help with prelim revision. Good luck everyone.

S3 Chemistry pupils made a giant model of a poly(ethene) molecule in class.

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For more information about our Chemistry Department, check out the subject page.






Beat the Teacher Race

Pupils and staff participated in a “Beat the Teacher Race” at lunchtime on Wednesday, 25 January 2017.

Over 40 pupils took part in the 2km race and the teachers were duly beaten. Congratulations to pupils, Matthew and Marc, who came first and Jay in S5 who had the fastest overall time.

Special mention to  Mr Higgins in the Technologies Department, who also won a prize!




Careers Event 2017

Calderhead High School held a Careers event at school on Wednesday, 25 January 2017. In the morning the ‘Friends of Calderhead’ (former pupils, parents and relatives) gave  a short 20 minute presentation detailing their own personal experience of school, the grades that they attained and the journey they had taken leading them to their current role.  Our S3 pupils then had the opportunity to hear insightful, inspiring, and honest representations of working in an industry that they had expressed interest in.   Thanks go to all the ‘friends of Calderhead’: Gordon Muir, Ross Mitchell, Kim Milroy, Lauren Brown, Gillian Tannahill, Steven Smith, Billy Morley, Steven Lake, Tom Stewart and Emma Reid for their input at the event. S1 and S2 pupils took part in a teacher pathway quiz.

In the afternoon, twenty one providers attended a more traditional careers fayre, which was hosted in the assembly hall.

The final session of the day involved S5/6 pupils, parents of pupils  and members of the community who were able to access all the support and services the providers could offer.

Calderhead High School would like to thank all those who attended and supported the event.

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