Category Archives: pupils

SQA exams, what can a parent do?

Parental support is eight times more important in determining a child’s academic success than other factors, according to a study by The Campaign for Learning.

(TES, 10 October 2003)

Many parents feel at a loss when their children enter S1 and above and confused by the complicated systems of SQA exams, coursework and practical assessments.

If you feel like this you are not alone! The exam system has changed greatly over the years, and is continuing to change, and sometimes it feels as if it is best just to let the ‘experts’ at Calderhead High School get on with it. However, your involvement during these crucial years can make an enormous difference – the difference between success and failure or between ‘C’ and ‘D’ passes and ‘A’s and ‘B’s.

Click here to read more and check out the Useful Links for Parents page.


4th Year Achieve Group

Pupils in the 4th Year Achieve Group at Calderhead High School are taking part in a Community Art Project in Shotts Nature Park in partnership with Central Scotland Green Network Trust, CCI Scotland, and Shotts Nursery. The project aims to tidy up and landscape the area, and help make and design an 8ft x 5ft Green Man mask. The pupils will be working  with artist, Shirley Tiscali, and children from the  nursery each week.


Success at Royal Conservatoire

Ewan Transitions 2040Congratulations to Ewan Ferguson in S6 has been awarded a place on the Transitions 20/40 Dance programme at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Ewan successfully attended two auditions before he was awarded a place and will now undertake training at the Royal Conservatoire every weekend.

Transitions 20/40 offers specialist training and mentoring to young people who are interested in pursuing a career in professional dance – they must demonstrate ability and potential, together with the necessary commitment and determination to study dance at a high level.

Well done, Ewan!



Golf Champion

Eilidh Golf TrophyCongratulations to S6 pupil, Eilidh Crawford, on her recent golfing successes.

Eilidh won the The Stephen Gallacher Scratch Trophy at the East of Scotland Summer Meeting and went on to win the East of Scotland Girls’ Championship the next day!

As well as forming part of the Mid Lothian girls’ team who won the Cuthbertson Cup, she was also part of the team who won the Scratch Trophy at the Morison Millar event.

Eilidh has also been invited to play in a friendly with the East team against a Spanish international team.

Well done, Eilidh!



Exam Results

Good luck to all our students who will be receiving their Scottish Qualification Award (SQA) results today (Tuesday, 9 August 2016).  Check out the Young Scot website for more information and tips on how to cope with exam results day.

If you didn’t get the results you were expecting, Pupil Support and SMT will be in school from 10am to 12 noon on  Friday, 12th August to advise on change of options.

SDS WOW Results Logo
My World of Work

You can also contact Skills Development Scotland (SDS) on 0808 100 8000. Advisers can give you information on Clearing, resits and appeals. They can also chat to you about other options apart from going to college and university, such as doing a Modern Apprenticeship. The helpline will be open 9-10 August from 8am to 8pm and 11-17 August from 9am to 5pm. Alternatively, check out the My World of Work website.

Useful Links:

Pupil Success – Caleb

Congratulations to S5 pupil, Caleb Hariri, who has gained a Nuffield Research Placement at the University of Glasgow this summer. He will be part of a team investigating how stem cells convert to fat cells. This is a leading edge research project on the control of Diabetes.

Prior to this he will taking part for a week in the REACH Medical programme for aspiring medical doctors, also at University of Glasgow.