Category Archives: news

Science Careers at the National Museum of Scotland

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A group of 40 S2 Science pupils visited the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh for the Careers Hive 2020 event.

The day began with a tour of the fantastic exhibits before the pupils were given the chance to question some industry professionals on their STEM careers and ask for advice on their future. A workshop followed which allowed the pupils to link the skills developed in Science to possible careers before they were let loose on the interactive exhibition.

Pupils had the chance to get hands on with robotics, engines and keyhole surgery as well as experience some amazing new technology. Speed dating with a number of STEM employees allowed the pupils to gather important information and advice into possible career paths.

Option Choice Information Evening – 20th February

Specialisation and Choice / Options Evening – Thursday, 20th February 2020, 6pm – S2/S4 and S5

S2 and S4/S5 pupils will soon be making important decisions about their course choices for the next academic year.

You are invited to attend an Information Evening to discuss the Option Choice process on Thursday 20 February at 6.00 pm. This will give you an opportunity to meet with members of the Senior Management and Pupil Support Teams to discuss in detail your child’s progress and future pathways.
Please click below for more information.

Letter from school
S3 Options Booklet Cover
S3 Options Booklet
Options Booklet cover
S5&6 Options Booklet

Harry Potter Party 2020

Pupil with sorting hat
The sorting hat

We celebrated Harry Potter Book Night with a party in the Library on Friday, 7th February.  Pupils were invited to sign up to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at lunchtime.

The induction began with sorting the pupils into their houses using the sorting hat, ably assisted by Fraser in S2.


Pupils then gathered into their respective Houses to plan for the spellcasting duel, choosing their champion spell casters and deciding upon the spells that they would use later on.

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Mrs Crosbie

The witches and wizards were amazed (and slightly terrified) by the magical Potions class prepared by Professor Crosbie. She firstly checked that no muggles had been smuggled into the library (although we did find a troll…) Peeves the poltergeist made an unwelcome appearance but Professor Crosbie managed to catch him with some help from the witches and wizards. The cauldron of goblins’ eggs was also fascinating.


Following a short visit to Ollivander’s Wand shop to participate in a wand-making workshop, the wizards and witches then threw themselves into an energetic spell-casting competition before donning their muggle alter-egos and returning to their Period 6 classes.Pupils pretending to cast spells

Slytherin v Gryffindor

Here are some more photographs from the event:

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North Lanarkshire Youth Work Plan

North Lanarkshire’s Community Learning and Development (CLD) Partnership are making a new plan about how they deliver youth work services in North Lanarkshire and they need your views. Please click here to complete the survey.

CLD also asked us to tell you about the Harthhill Senior Youth Group which meets on Friday nights from 6-8pm at the Village Hall in Harthill and is open to all young people aged 12+

Show Racism the Red Card Assemblies

Show Racism the Red Card AssemblyShow Racism the Read Card held special assemblies for pupils led by  Derek Ferguson and Chris Priestly on Monday, 13th January 2020.

Show Racism the Red Card  is the UK’s largest anti-racism educational charity. It uses football and football players to help tackle racism and delivers educational workshops in schools, workplaces and at events held in football stadiums.

English Department Trip to Krakow

Arriving at school at 1.00am for an early flight to Krakow, Poland had me initially fearful – what if they bus didn’t show? What if it broke down on the way to the airport? What if the pupils were late and school was closed? But all of our worries came to nothing as when we pulled up our bus was already waiting for us along with every pupil eager to board and embark on their adventure. Although an early start we arrived, dropped our luggage and headed straight to a tour of the Jewish Quarter. Equity had organised a walking tour of the Jewish Ghetto/Kazimierz district with Entrance to the Remuh Cemetery and Synagogue. We learned a lot and it was a great experience as it meant we were not waiting around to check-in to our hotel. After our tour we stopped for lunch in the Jewish District (which was where our hotel was conveniently located) before heading back to the hotel to unpack and settle in. We chose to organise our own meals in Poland and Equity were happy for us to do so which was a great bonus.  We had dinner in a Mexican restaurant, Manzana, before lights out.

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Day Two

We woke to a beautiful buffet breakfast in our hotel with a wide array of options. We were then collected by a tour guide and our driver who drove us to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. As we approached the town of Oswiecim a feeling of quiet came upon us.  We were nervous and apprehensive about both our own reactions to the experience of Auschwitz but that of our pupils. When we arrived we were met by a tour guide who sensitively and informatively provided a private tour of the camp.  We left feeling sombre yet grateful that we could experience such a trip and experience as it means that the memory of all those who perished can live on to ensure it never happens again.

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That evening we went to the Christmas Markets in Krakow Old Square where we ate pierogis, bratwursts and sweet treats while we reflected on the day that we had had.

English Trip to Poland 2019


Day Three

We woke early, to another great breakfast, before our collection by our guide and tour bus who took us to the town of Wieliczka to visit the world UNESCO Salt Mines. We were met by our guide (who the pupils were convinced was a vampire who lived in the mines) who was funny, charismatic and knowledgeable. He escorted us deep into the mines and we were able to see the beautiful structures and architecture surrounding us all made of salt. He informed us that we could lick the walls and the floors if we wanted but he was yet to have a group who had done so – of course our pupils then proceeded to lick the floor much to his delight. When we asked the pupils to reflect on their trip many picked the mines as their favourite excursion. English Trip to Poland 2019

Day Four

We were collected and went on a short walking tour of what was previously the Jewish Ghetto. We had been walking the streets for days and didn’t realise how steeped in history our entire surrounding area was.  We then went on a tour of Schindler’s Factory which was interactive and enjoyed very much so by the pupils. We then went to the Galicia Museum not far from Schindler’s Factory. In the afternoon we had free time, a chance to visit the Kazimierz Mall and spend the rest of the money that was burning holes in many of their pockets by this point. For our last meal together in Poland we went to The Hard Rock Café before finishing off with a final trip to the Christmas Markets.

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Day Five

The school holidays had official started back home and it was time for us to head to the airport.  We were picked up promptly by our driver Tomas who had been with us for five days.

We left Krakow with memories that will last a lifetime. We experienced a wealth of activities that allowed us to experience History and Literature first-hand.  But a school trip is not just about the educational aspects, it is the memories that only you as a group understand. For us it was walking into posts, playing pretend skipping ropes with the locals, trying new foods (Mexican!) and listening to the story of the black lady. School trips are an immersive experience that are not just about the planned excursions, it is also about all of the moments in-between.

On our final bus journey home the pupils were already asking where are we going next?

Mrs Wilson, Principal Teacher of English

English Trip to Poland 2019

Christmas Concert

A fitting end to term with our Christmas Assembly in the Hall this morning. All the staff and pupils joined together to hear Reverend Murdoch and Mr Robertson talk about the true meaning of Christmas and enjoyed performances from our talented pupils.

Happy Christmas everyone!

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Calderhead Talent Show

Talent Show 2019 winnersOur annual Talent Show took place in the school last night (16th December) with some fabulous acts.

We were really impressed by all the pupils who participated, including Douglas Pinkerton (S4) and Ryley Allan (S2) on the bagpipes, MacKenzie Forrest (S5) who played the drums,  Jennifer Wood (S6) and Logyne McAllister (S2) who sang beautifully, Caitlyn Paxton (S5) who sang and played her guitar, and Heather Duncanson (S6) who sang and played piano. However, the joint winners of the Talent Show were Carly Ogilvie (S6) who sang a moving rendition of “When We Were Young” , and the talented gymnastic team of Hannah Duncanson and Zuzanna Mostek (S3).

Special mention must go to the senior pupils who organised, facilitated and judged the talent show.