Category Archives: news

Charity Football Match

On Friday 1st April the Princes Trust XL4 group at Calderhead High organised a charity football match between the staff and seniors boys versus S3/S4 boys in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness and Monklands Intensive Care Unit. The final score was 7-3 with the Teachers/Seniors being the winners.

Before the event the XL4 Group sold breast cancer awareness badges and negotiated donations of water from Shotts Co-Op and a Banner from Mr Strang. Each of the group member had tasks to complete including one of them dressing up as a Lion – the new school mascot!

On the day we had a non-uniform day with stalls selling crisps, cakes and hot dogs. Mrs Buchanan also donated an excellent cake for raffle. It was a fantastic event with the group raising £700!

The XL4 group would like to thank all who participated, donated and helped out on the day.

Participation Assembly

Congratulations to the pupils who took part in our Participation Assembly on Friday. There are a number of extracurricular activities in the school, including Amnesty, Band, Basketball, Book Group, Buddy, Choir, Credit Union, Debate Club, Fitness, Football, Gymnastics, Holocaust Assemblies, Multi Sports, MVP, Outward Bound, Paired Reading, Public Speaking, Pupil Council, Robotics, Rugby, Table Tennis and many more. 176 pupils received a certificate for regularly participating in activities. Well done!


Online payments are being introduced in all schools across North Lanarkshire to provide parents/carers with more convenient and flexible methods of payment for school expenses.  This service will also allow pupils to reduce the amount of cash they carry to school and help reduce administration and cash handling in schools.  Cash and cheque payments can still be made in the same way as at present.

The new safe and secure payment system, called iPayImpact, will enable parents/carers to pay online  for school uniform, trips and other school expenses using a credit or debit card.   As soon as  funds are added for school meals, the money will immediately be available for your child/children to spend in the school canteen.

Letters with full information about the system and details of your child’s unique activation code have been sent home with pupils (see example below). If you have not received this letter, please contact the school.

Ipayimpact logo
Online payment link
Example Letter


British Science Week 2016

british science week logo

Pupils at Calderhead High School celebrated British Science week with the first year pupils taking part in a number of activities (including researching whether mints really cool down your mouth) and challenges (Dragons’ Den smart materials challenge) during Science classes recently.

british science week