Charity Football Match

On Friday 1st April the Princes Trust XL4 group at Calderhead High organised a charity football match between the staff and seniors boys versus S3/S4 boys in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness and Monklands Intensive Care Unit. The final score was 7-3 with the Teachers/Seniors being the winners.

Before the event the XL4 Group sold breast cancer awareness badges and negotiated donations of water from Shotts Co-Op and a Banner from Mr Strang. Each of the group member had tasks to complete including one of them dressing up as a Lion – the new school mascot!

On the day we had a non-uniform day with stalls selling crisps, cakes and hot dogs. Mrs Buchanan also donated an excellent cake for raffle. It was a fantastic event with the group raising £700!

The XL4 group would like to thank all who participated, donated and helped out on the day.