Category Archives: news

National Poetry Day

Pupils at Calderhead High School helped celebrate National Poetry Day on 6th October. Poem postcards from the Scottish Poetry Library were handed out in the library and pupils enjoyed  poetry in the Library, including an impromptu  performance from Sahand in S2, who read his poem ‘Bang Bang’ – last heard at the National Poetry Slam competition at the Traverse Theatre.

NPD 16


Pupils in S1 and S2 are taking part in a Readathon to raise money for new books and equipment for the English Department. The event will run in school the week beginning Monday 10th October and pupils will be encouraged to continue to read at home during the October holiday (Monday 17th to 21st October).

Sponsorship forms have been issued and it is hoped that all our S1 and S2 pupils will take part and be sponsored by friends and family to raise funds. Pupils will also have the opportunity to win fabulous prizes! The Readathon will encourage reading in a fun and relaxed atmosphere and we would ask that you support our pupils.

Interhouse Quiz

Staff and pupils took part in our first ever InterHouse Quiz on Wednesday afternoon. The quiz was organised and facilitated by our S6 pupils and included a number of general knowledge questions. Bonus points were awarded to the House whose pupils had the most school planners with them.

Everyone participated enthusiastically and congratulations to House Fleming, who won the Interhouse Quiz Cup.

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Special mention also to House Lochhead, who came first at the Sports Day in June and were presented with the Interhouse Sports Cup after the quiz.



History Success

Well done to History teacher, Mr Reilly, who has been selected to take part in a professional development tour of Berlin in October. The tour has been organised by the German Embassy in London, together with the Federal Foreign Office, for British teachers of History and applications were invited from all parts of the UK.

This year’s trip will focus on:

  • History of Europe past and present
  • World War I centenary, including its implication for today and commemorating the events in Germany and the UK; and
  • Germany as a migration country

Gut gemacht!

Fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support

macmillan fundraisingPupils from Calderhead High School will help raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support on Thursday, 22nd September 2016. As well as being a non-uniform day, staff and S6 pupils will be holding a coffee morning from 10.35am to 11am, serving tea, coffee and cakes, as well as holding raffles and other events.

Macmillan Cancer Support provides medical, emotional, practical and financial support , as well as campaigning for better cancer care. And because cancer affects more than just those facing it, they’re there for friends and family too.

MVP Presentation

MVP LogoS6 pupils, Jamie Shaw and Connor McGinn, recently made a presentation to the NLC Education Committee about the philosophy behind the Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme (MVP).

MVP is designed to train students to speak out against bullying and all forms of violent and abusive behaviour. It focuses on an innovative ‘bystander’ approach that empowers each student to take an active role in promoting a positive school climate. Within the MVP Programme young people are identified not as victims or perpetrators but as empowered bystanders able to support and even challenge abusive and bullying peers.

MVP Presentation

Claudius England visits Calderhead High

Claudius EnglandPupils enjoyed special assemblies with Claudius England from Jamaica who used music and story telling as a mean of tellling the history of Jamaica, from slavery to present day.

Claudius also talked about ‘Reclaimed Territory’, an initiative  he started in Jamaica working in youth detention centres. This year it is extended to Scotland where Claudius will be visiting most of the prisons in Scotland. 

Claudius has been touring a number of local schools and visited Calderhead-Erskine Parish on Saturday night (10th September).

Roald Dahl Day

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Roald Dahl.

Roald Dahl Day 2016
Roald Dahl Day

We’re celebrating Roald Dahl Day in the Library today.

Roald Dahl was born on 13th September and Roald Dahl Day takes place every year on this date.


This year we’re marking 100 years since the birth of Roald Dahl and it’s set to be to be the biggest worldwide celebration of Roald Dahl Day ever. Brooke, Ayesha and Murron are revisiting some of their favourite Dahl books – we even have a French copy of the ‘Big Friendly Giant’!