Category Archives: news

Careering Into Science

bodyworksThe Glasgow Science Centre visited the school last week to give a presentation and workshop to our S1 pupils.  The presentation was called “Careering into Science” and talked about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers and how choosing to study Science can lead into these.  The workshop was called “Bodyworks” and gave pupils a chance to get hands on in learning about how your body works really hard every second of every day to keep you alive and how to help your body by keeping fit and healthy.


Annie the Musical

The Music Department accompanied pupils to see the Shine Company’s production of ‘Annie’ at Motherwell Concert Hall recently.

Set in 1930s New York during The Great Depression, brave young Annie is forced to live a life of misery at Miss Hannigan’s orphanage. Her luck soon changes when she’s chosen to spend a fairytale Christmas with famous billionaire, Oliver Warbucks. Meanwhile, spiteful Miss Hannigan has other ideas and hatches a plan to spoil Annie’s search for her true family…

Pupils and staff greatly enjoyed the show.

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Author Visit – Gill Arbuthnott

Author, Gill Arbuthnott, visited Calderhead High School on 14th September and spoke to our S1 pupils.

Gill has written many novels and non-fiction books and gave us a fascinating talk on her writing and the inspiration for her stories. You can find out more about Gill on her website and join the waiting list to borrow her books from the school library!

This talk was part-funded by the Scottish Book Trust as part of the Live Literature initiative.

St Andrew’s Hospice Fundraising

St Andrews HospiceOur S2 pupils were delighted to present a cheque for over £1400  to St Andrew’s Hospice following the sponsored climb of Tinto Hill . In return, they were delighted to receive certificates celebrating their achievement.

Pupils and staff  from Calderhead High will be participating in the St Andrew’s Hospice 6K event on Sunday, 17 September 2017. Good luck, everyone!


Outward Bound Course

Outward Bound 2016Calderhead High School is planning an Outward Bound® residential experience for pupils in S4, S5 and S6 at Loch Eil in the Scottish Highlands from 27th to 29th October 2017.

The Outward Bound Trust is an educational charity that uses the outdoors to provide life-changing educational courses and unique experiences for young people.

The heavily subsidised cost of the course is £50 per student, which is fully inclusive of food, accommodation, bed-linen, equipment, transport and insurance.

Please see the attached letter for more information – copies have issued to pupils. If you would like your child to be considered for this course then please complete the reply slip attached and return it to Mr Robertson, Head Teacher, by Friday 15th September.

Outward Bound Letter




FOCUS West visits

S3 and S4 pupils recently attended the University of Strathclyde as part of the Focus West programmes.

FOCUS West (Focus On College and University Study – West of Scotland) is part of the national Schools for Higher Education Programme, based in Glasgow. The programme is delivered by staff and students from colleges and universities in the west of Scotland, and provides pupils with an exciting opportunity to experience college and university, meet current students and take part in interesting, challenging and relevant activities.

For more information on FOCUS west and applying to University and College (and other post school options, please see the post schools options page on the school website.


Plastic Fantastic Lecture

What’s the link between Lego blocks, zero pollution cars, disposable nappies, liquids that flow up hill, and false legs? How is this linked to the perfect recipe for slime?  Mrs Crosbie’s Chemistry class attended a “Fantastic Plastic” demonstration lecture delivered by Professor Averil McDonald at the University of Glasgow on 1st September.  The lecture discussed the physical properties of plastics as featured in the topic in National 4/5 ‘Properties of Plastics’ and featured many interesting demonstrations.

After a brief overview of the great variety of physical properties of plastics that make them suitable for various intriguing and surprising applications, students were reminded of the basic concepts of solid, liquids and gases and introduced to the idea of polymers consisting of long chain molecules. Polymers can exist as solid and liquids but often have properties of both (as in slime). Lively demonstrations showed the effects of increasing the temperature, crosslinking the molecules, “tangling up” the polymer chains, and dissolving them in liquids. Some examples are given to show how by controlling what happens at the molecular level, the characteristics of the final material are determined.

Trip to Edinburgh International Book Festival 2017

Pupils from S3 and S4 enjoyed a day out at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on Monday, 28th August. Our first author was Darren Shan, an extremely prolific author of  fantasy and horror books for both young people and adults. His books include the Zom-b series; the Saga of Darren Shan series; the Demonata series; The Thin Executioner and many more. He has apparently sold more than 25 million books and his books are on sale in every continent, in 39 countries and in 31 languages.

Darren treated us to readings from Zom-b, which were suitably gruesome, and gave us his thoughts about Brexit, Trump and how his concerns are reflected in Zom-b.

After a trip to the Festival bookshop and the ice-cream stall, we heard from two authors who have written some fantastic science-fiction. Lauren James talked about her latest book, ‘The Loneliest Girl in the Universe” and Philip Reeve talked about the weird and wonderful worlds of the “Railhead” series of books. It was great to hear about new YA sci-fi books, especially from two authors who are so passionate about the genre.

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