Tag Archives: books

Trip to Edinburgh International Book Festival 2017

Pupils from S3 and S4 enjoyed a day out at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on Monday, 28th August. Our first author was Darren Shan, an extremely prolific author of  fantasy and horror books for both young people and adults. His books include the Zom-b series; the Saga of Darren Shan series; the Demonata series; The Thin Executioner and many more. He has apparently sold more than 25 million books and his books are on sale in every continent, in 39 countries and in 31 languages.

Darren treated us to readings from Zom-b, which were suitably gruesome, and gave us his thoughts about Brexit, Trump and how his concerns are reflected in Zom-b.

After a trip to the Festival bookshop and the ice-cream stall, we heard from two authors who have written some fantastic science-fiction. Lauren James talked about her latest book, ‘The Loneliest Girl in the Universe” and Philip Reeve talked about the weird and wonderful worlds of the “Railhead” series of books. It was great to hear about new YA sci-fi books, especially from two authors who are so passionate about the genre.

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Scholastic Book Club

Pupils can still redeem their World Book day tokens online through the Scholastic Book Club until 20th March. This is a great way for pupils and their parents and carers to choose books together and features a wide range of titles with prices starting from just £2.99. You also help to support our school – every £1 you spend will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.

There’s never any obligation to order but if you would like to buy anything, you can order online and pay  by credit or debit card and don’t forget to enter the number of World Day Book tokens at the checkout to claim your £1 off.

If you choose ‘school delivery’ you will benefit from free post and packing to the school – please remember to add the pupil’s name and class. The books will then be delivered to the school and given to your child.


World Book Day

Happy World Book Day!

Thursday, 2nd March is World Book Day – a huge celebration of authors, illustrators, books and reading in schools, libraries and homes in over 100 countries. World Book Day is the world’s biggest annual celebration of reading – and 2017 marks its 20th anniversary.

Pupils at Calderhead High School marked World Book Day this year by participating in a book quiz. Congratulations to Mrs Johnston’s S3 Maths class who answered all the questions correctly in the shortest time.

World Book day Tree
WBD Tree

The library assistants also created a beautiful book tree, designed by Heather in S3. Pupils and staff have been noting their favourite books and authors on paper ‘leaves’ and adding them to the tree.


World Book Day
WBD Tokens

Pupils were also issued with World Book day tokens which they can take to their local bookseller or participating supermarket and swap for one of the special World Book Day books or use to get £1 off any full price book instead.

Pupils can redeem their World Book day tokens online through the Scholastic Book Club. This is a great way for pupils and their parents and carers to choose books together and features a wide range of titles with prices starting from just £2.99. You also help to support our school – every £1 you spend will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Rewards.

There’s never any obligation to order but if you would like to buy anything, you can order online and pay  by credit or debit card and don’t forget to enter the number of World Day Book tokens at the checkout to claim your £1 off.

If you choose ‘school delivery’ you will benefit from free post and packing to the school – please remember to add the pupil’s name and class. The books will then be delivered to the school and given to your child.