Category Archives: news

Mr Robertson at the Palace

Mr Robertson at the PalaceMr Robertson, Head teacher, was  delighted to participate in an Education Forum organised for the Outward Bound Trust at Buckingham Palace during the October break. He was one of 200 people invited by Prince Andrew, Chairman of The Outward Bound Trust, to take part in the event on 16th October.

The Outward Bound Trust is a learning charity which equips young people with social and emotional skills through learning and adventure outdoors. Staff and pupils recently attended an Outward Bound Leadership course at Loch Eil Centre in the Scottish Highlands.


Outward Bound to Loch Eil

The Outward Bound Trust is a learning charity which equips young people with social and emotional skills through learning and adventure outdoors. Staff and pupils recently attended an Outward Bound Leadership course at Loch Eil Centre in the Scottish Highlands.  The Centre is situated on the shores of the loch, near Fort William, and is the Trust’s most remote outdoor education centre. Shortly after arriving, staff and pupils enjoyed a jog and a dip in the loch, although the water was even colder than expected! They tried a number of different activities over the weekend, including abseiling and hill walking. The Spider’s Web Activity was great fun and everyone enjoyed the toasted marshmallows. Our staff and pupils had a wonderful time and learned much from the experience.

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Duke of Edinburgh Award

S4 pupils Brianna, Demi, Heather, Stephanie, recently joined pupils from St Aidan’s High School to take part in a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Expedition from Auchengillan Centre. The Duke of Edinburgh Award has three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and is the world’s leading youth achievement award challenging young people to undertake volunteering, physical activities, life skills and expeditions. The pupils have been working hard to earn their Bronze Award – well done, girls.

Buddy Sessions

All S1 pupils were involved in a Buddy Event with senior pupils recently. The pupils were divided into House groups and participated in some great events including cup-cake decoration, mask making and other team building activities. This was followed by a whole year sports session in the school gym. A great time was had by all.

Maths Week Scotland 2017

As part of Maths Week Scotland, S3 pupils Jordan Muir and Lewis Campbell were invited to attend the UKMT Mathematical Circle hosted at the University of Strathclyde.
The event entailed a series of lectures and workshops for the most talented mathematicians in Scotland. Jordan especially enjoyed the hands on approach of the workshops and both agreed that it was a great experience.

The Maths Department in Calderhead also took part in an online Sumdog Competition for all S1 and S2 pupils, with S3 to S6 pupils taking part in a number of team based problem solving competitions.

Pupils Get Energised

S2 pupils participated in a “Get Energised” Investigation Day at the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride recently and learned about renewable energy by participating in workshops where they had the opportunity to build their own hydro turbine, and engineer a wave technology model.

S4 Physics pupils also enjoyed a Challenge day at the Museum, where they got the chance to learn more about solar, wind, hydro and wave power by conducting experiments and meeting challenges. They also met high-profile industry experts.

“Get Energised” is a programme encouraging school pupils to explore, discover and understand renewable energy and is facilitated by the National Museum of Scotland with funding from the ScottishPower Foundation.

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MacMillan Coffee Morning

MacMillan Coffee MorningS6 pupils organised a coffee morning on 21st September 2017 to raise funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. S6 pupils and staff were treated to an array of delicious cakes and biscuits at interval and participated in a raffle, and raised a fantastic £234.28 for the charity.

We would like to thank the Co-op who supported the coffee morning and to Mrs Alexander, who baked a beautiful cake for the event.

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