Category Archives: Information from school

Book Week Scotland – Jenny Lindsay

Book Week Scotland is a national celebration of books and reading. Initiated by the Scottish Government and supported with funding from Creative Scotland, Book Week Scotland is delivered by Scottish Book Trust. The theme for Book Week Scotland 2017 was ‘nourish’.

We successfully bid from funding which enabled us to organise a visit by the poet, Jenny Lindsay. Jenny visited our S3 and S4 pupils during Book Week Scotland and explained how reading fiction and poetry can help your mental health. She also spoke about how creating your own work can be massively beneficial. The pupils  had an opportunity to try writing their own poetry and we were very impressed by the results! The school was also able to buy some books to add to the ‘Shelf Help’ section of the library, which contains books on health and well-being, including mental health issues such as exam stress and anxiety.


Food Bank

Foodbank ImageMr Purdie’s S3 Modern Studies class have been learning about poverty in the UK and the need for food parcels to be donated to help people in need. They have decided to organise a food bank collection for the local Trussell Trust Food Bank, which is based in Airdrie. With help from the Food Bank Committee, the class has organised assemblies, created posters and raised awareness of this issue.

Donations will be collected in school on a house basis with house points being awarded to the house raising the most items. Pupils can make their donations by placing items in the appropriate house box situated to the rear of the social area.

Pupils have asked if the local community could also help with the appeal. S3 pupil, Aiden said: “It would be great if you could help by donating non-perishable food items such as tinned and dried foods like pasta, cereals, rice, tins of soup and powdered milk.” Items can be handed into the school office.

The campaign will run until Friday 15th December.

School Transport Changes

At its meeting on 7 November 2017, North Lanarkshire Council’s Education Committee agreed to consult to increase the qualification for entitlement to free school transport for secondary school pupils from more than 2 miles from their residence to their catchment school to more than 3 miles from their residence to their catchment school.

Please see the attached letter and the North Lanarkshire Council website for more information about this proposal and how you can get involved with the consultation process.

School Transport Nov 17
Transport Letter




Careers News – College Applications

Interested in going to College? Here are the dates applications open for the following Colleges for January 2018 starts:

  • City of Glasgow College – opens on 11th October
  • West College Scotland (Clydebank) – NC Computing with Digital Media: Level 5 – applications for this have just opened this and other courses should appear this month.
  • New College Lanarkshire – will open at then end of October
  • West Lothian College – courses will be live after the October break but they have pathways courses just now for care related courses
  • Glasgow Kelvin – November or December

If you would like more advice about post school options, your School Careers Adviser is Sylvia Phee

Sylvia is based in the school Library every Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Friday and pupils can request to meet with her through pupil support or by asking her for an appointment.

A careers interview is a confidential one to one discussion which helps pupils develop career management skills and make well informed decisions about their career pathways in the future.

Drop in Career Clinic

This is held every Thursday during  lunch break and offers all pupils the chance to have career-related questions answered.

For more information, please see our post school options page.

Writing Competitions

Are you a budding writer? Check out these writing competitions with excellent prizes:

Pushkin PrizeThis is a unique creative writing competition open to all pupils in  first and second year. Twelve young writers will be selected to join Pushkin Prize-winners’ Week in April 2017 at the Moniack Mhor Writers’ Centre with tuition from professional writers. They’re looking for stories, poems, plays, articles, memoirs – anything you like on a subject of your choice. Closing date 19th December 2017.

What’s Your Story?

Whats the storyThe Scottish Book Trust is seeking seven young people aged between 14 and 17 years old, with enthusiasm for developing as writers or illustrators. This can include prose, poetry, storytelling, illustration, graphic novel writing, song-writing, writing for TV and film, journalism, blogging and writing for video games and more.

The seven chosen teenagers will act as ambassadors for What’s Your Story? while they develop their skills and knowledge in their chosen creative form. For 2017, the programme includes a residency in the National Library of Scotland, professional mentoring, a creative retreat, programming the teens creative writing conference StoryCon, and a feature showcase event.

What’s Your Story? is free to apply for and take part in, and interested 14 to 17 year olds from all over Scotland are encouraged to apply.

For more information about both competitions and other writing opportunities, please see Mrs Wilson in the English Department.