Maths and Numeracy Home Learning

The Maths and Numeracy department are using Glow (Glow Teams and Glow Outlook) to continue learning at home.

Every pupil timetabled to study maths has been assigned to a Glow Team where our teachers are setting regular home learning tasks and formal homework assignments as well as providing support to the pupils within the department on a daily basis. Sometimes we will send information, such as formal assignment feedback, to pupils via Glow Outlook (pupil emails) but the majority of communication and tasks are set on Glow Teams.

Glow Teams (classes, forums and learning materials) and Glow Outlook (pupil emails) can be found on the Glow launchpad best accessed through Google Chrome. Many users find it easier to access Glow Teams through the Microsoft Teams app, which can be downloaded to desktops and mobile devices. Every pupil in the school has a Glow login and help with Glow can be found here.

Remember to check Glow Teams for your maths and numeracy home learning regularly.
The teacher looking after your team might not be your usual class teacher – you should follow the instructions from the maths teacher(s) setting tasks in your team.
Having issues accessing maths work on Glow Teams? We should be able to help! 
Email Mrs Hunter:

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