Outdoor Learning – Forest Schools

Outdoor learning with fairy stories. The fairies left the yellow group a small night. The group only knew about this note from a phone call to John’s phone. He was left with measurements, directions and locations to help find the note. Using these instructions the yellow group managed to find the note which John read out. It told us we had destroyed their village with our big feet. And said we would have to follow the green orienteering trail to find doors to start building the homes and town again. All pupils enjoyed this lesson and are keen and ready for the follow up. To find the doors we had to explore the wilderness, in the brush, the streams, gorges and trenches but we managed to find all the doors.

The transferable skills this unit of ODL will teach us is how houses are build. What is involved in a home. What is in a home…ie washing etc, allowing us to transfer this story to home life skills like washing, ironing, cooking, dishes etc as the fairy village will have to function like this.

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