Category Archives: Green Group

Day 2 in Badaguish

We have enjoyed another brilliant day in Badaguish.

We were at the Highland Wildlife Park this morning and everyone enjoyed visiting the different animals.

This afternoon we were all feeling brave and played archery in the woods – it was amazing and everyone had a fantastic time.

We are all looking forward to tomorrow’s adventures!

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Arrived in Badaguish

We have all arrived safe and sound to Badaguish in Aviemore!

We were on the funicular railway this afternoon and enjoyed a hot chocolate at the top of the Cairngorm Mountains!

Celtic Connections

We were lucky to get more tickets for Celtic Connections on Thursday (26th January)! This week we saw performances by RCS Juniors and Braebach.

We all traveled to Glasgow Royal Concert Hall for the concert to start at 11am for just over an hour.

All of the pupils had a great time with many of them enjoying hearing the bagpipes being played in the hall!

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Celtic Connections

Some pupils from Bothwellpark were given the opportunity to go into Glasgow on Thursday to watch a performance from the Celtic Connections festival at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. We watched two bands called Farra and Manran – all the pupils loved it and were up dancing during the songs! We are lucky to have tickets for another performance this Thursday (26th)!

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Art Class

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We have been painting props for our Pirate Movie

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Making posters for Sports Day

Over the last week the Green Group have been busy our Art Class decorating props for our Pirate Movie and making posters to decorate the hall for Sports Day.


Class Outing to Deep Sea World

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We’re on our way

We're going over the Fourth Road Bridge

We’re going over the Fourth Road Bridge at Dalmeny Station

Here's the train

Here’s the train

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At Dalmeny we got on the train to go over the Forth Rail Bridge

The boys loved the train journey

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We got off the train at Inverkeithing


We've arrived at Deep Sea Wordl

We’ve arrived at Deep Sea World


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We had fun in the Hurricane Simulator

We had fun in the Hurricane Simulator


We looked for the Seals

We looked for the Seals


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We walked through the fish tunnell

We walked through the fish tunnel


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