Friday Fun…

We took advantage of the lovely sunshine this morning to go outside in the snow. Our group challenge was to make a replica Stone of Destiny. Here are our excellent efforts…

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Then we made characters from the Scottish Wars of Independence…

William Wallace!
William Wallace!
King  Alexander on his throne!
King Alexander on his throne!
King Edward!
Robert the Bruce!
King Edward!
King Edward!

In the afternoon we started to create our own personal medieval wax stampers. These were used by nobles and kings in medieval times to seal letters and other important documents. In 1296, Edward I made many Scottish nobles attach their wax seals to an infamous document called the Ragman Roll, which made him overlord of Scotland. It’s one of the main reasons for the Scottish Wars of Independence…

Rolling the modelling clay...
Rolling the modelling clay…
Carving our personal mottos
Carving our personal mottos
Our stamper designs...
Our stamper designs…
Painting the wooden handles...
Painting the wooden handles…

We just need to bake our stamps in the oven then attach them to the handles and we’re ready to make our own wax seals.

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