Life in 1296

Today we have been working hard in our Scottish Wars of Independence topic. We have been writing Newspaper Reports about the events that led to Edward I’s invasion of Scotland in 1296. We began by looking at the features of newspaper articles to help us structure our own reports…

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After we wrote our own reports we edited and redrafted them…

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Then we used tea-bags to tea stain them and make them look like authentic newspapers from 1296…

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Finally, this afternoon, we carried out some research about medieval Scotland…

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Before filming our well-planned and prepared ‘breaking news reports’ about the sudden death of Alexander the III.

What a busy day!

One thought on “Life in 1296”

  1. Wow! I really like your authentic looking newspapers and hope we all get a chance to see your news broadcasts in the near future. Your class wall display is also looking great.

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