Magic Maths and Lovely Language

We’ve been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We’re learning that you can use rounding in calculations to help estimate answers and we can explain why this is an important life skill. Even better, we’ve been playing lots of games to help us practise our new skills…

Noughts and Crosses
Noughts and Crosses
Rounding Trios!
Rounding Trios!

We’ve been learning about the Battle of Stirling Bridge this week and we turned into reporters once again to write newspaper articles about the battle. Some of us even managed to interview William Wallace directly after the battle. Now that’s impressive!

Studying Eye-Witness Accounts
Studying Eye-Witness Accounts

We’ve also been learning to distinguish between fact and opinion this week – a very important skill for historians such as us! It’s not always as easy as it seems, as we found out when we took part in a quiz…

Hmmm - fact or opinion??
Hmmm – fact or opinion??

Next up we’re going to learn all about bias in historical sources. Wallace the hero or Wallace the outlaw? Hmmm – we’ll tell you next week!

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