Bee update p3-4

Bee update p3-4

This week it was primary 3-4s turn to check up on the bees. Miek came in and worked with the children. Here is what the said. 

How to suit up

Firstly you take your shoes off and put on your thick boots and put on your suit and tuck the bottom of the suit and do not stand on the net. Because the net will break and you can’t go and see the bees! And you will bee good.


How you behave around bees 

All throughout the lesson with Miek I learned how to behave around bees. How you behave around bees is you should respect them,be careful around them, be respectful to the bees and be quiet. You must no shout, try to kill, annoy the bees and especially take any part of your suit off.  You should do these things to the bees to be safe from the bees and not harm them in any way.


Bee fact

Miek told the P3/4s this information about honeybees: There are a few types of honeybees in a colony. All the types hatch from eggs, and each one is different for each type of bee. To see the bees you have to open the hive up! The types of bees that are in a colony are: drone, queen and worker. The queen does not control the bees, the drones are useless and the worker bees are going out and collecting pollen from the flowers. The way honeycombs are made are by the worker bees and they do it by the pollen that falls off they’re bodies!



When You have done you have to put the bee hive back together Miek will put a strap around the bee hive. And then you have to go in but leave the smoker outside.  Then check for bees and take off your bee suit and then go back to class. Some people felt scared and some people felt excited.


this post was created by the Tech team

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