Hello there!

It was great to be able to speak to some of you last week during our Teams Meeting! Your reward is these lovely weekly activities!

Independent Activities 08-06-20

Additional Activities 08-06

Family Activities 08-06-20

Let’s try and have another P1-4 Teams Meeting this week. We will have it at the same time – 10am on Thursday. This time I would like you to bring something along to the meeting. Between now and then, I would like you to write a short story about your favourite thing that you have done since being away from school these last couple of months. It doesn’t have to be pages and pages and pages and pages. It can be a few sentences or a little longer if you like. Just remember, you are going to be reading this out LIVE ON AIR, so make it super interesting (please). You can start with…

My favourite thing that I have done since being away from school is…

Write about your favourite thing, tell us about it, and let us know why you enjoyed it so much!

It’s been great to see more and more of you posting messages in our Teams chat so let’s try and keep that up!

In the meantime, here is a picture of a penguin, for absolutely no reason other than the fact I think penguins are funny.

Take care!

Mr McNab

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