P1-4 Activities – Week Beginning 4th May

Good morning,

I hope you had a nice weekend. The sun seems to be disappearing already so perhaps we have already had our Spring and Summer.

Just as well I cut all my grass.

Here are some activities for this week. The activities have been split into three packs:

Independent Activities. These are tasks that the children should, for the most part, be able to complete by themselves. Someone will most likely have to go over the tasks initially with the children, but once they are explained they should be familiar with how to go about completing them. There will be activity grids for each group for Reading/Writing, Spelling and Maths that the children can choose from whenever they get a chance.

Additional Activities. These are tasks that will most likely require some additional support to complete as they are a little more complex. They are mainly activity sheet-based so the children will most likely require some support throughout them – to explain the task and deal with any questions they may have about what they should be doing.

Family Activities. These are activities that the whole family can take part in. There will be a mixture of Health & Wellbeing, Art and Topic tasks, most of which will be active and creative. As with the Independent and Additional Activities, these family activities have no set order nor is there any pressure to do any/all of them.

Independent Activities 04-05-20

Additional Activities 04-05

Family Activities 04-05-20

I completely understand that it has been, is, and will continue to be difficult to keep the children in a regular routine in regards to their learning, so by setting a week’s worth of activities there is the option to decide what and when you are able to do things.

It would be great if the children are able to dip in and out of the activities and tasks throughout the week, however I completely understand that everyone’s situation is different and there are numerous reasons why you and/or the children may not be able to access and complete the work. If this is the case and the children are unable to complete any of the activities please do not worry, I will not be hunting you down with a red marker pen! What is important is that the children continue to show a positive attitude towards learning. This was something I saw in them every day when working with them in the classroom, so whether they are doing the weekly activities or whether they are doing something completely different, as long as they are still asking questions, taking things in and showing an enthusiasm for developing new skills their brains will still be getting a good workout.

It would also be great to see any work or activities the children have been doing so please feel free to send me an email, a picture, a video or anything else the children have been doing.

Take care!

Oh, and Happy Star Wars Day. May The Fourth Be With You. Always.

Mr McNab

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