Family Learning Challenges

We know how hard it can be when you have more than one child working on different things during the course of the week. To try to address this and to perhaps help ease some of the difficulties, we have developed some family learning challenges.


These challenges reflect the work we have started in school and work that had been planned as part of our pupil committees, assemblies and curricular developments this term.


We will issue these challenges once a week and we would love to encourage you and your child/ren to participate together. This work can be completed in place of a piece of topic work and the class teachers will adjust their weekly planning to reflect this.


As we have a wide range of ages within our school, we will provide a choice of two tasks within the challenge for most weeks. You can, however, choose the task which you feel is most appropriate for you and your family. (Or just the one you like the sound of most!)

Certificates and points to be won for the weekly challenge winners

This week’s challenge follows our Fairtrade theme and will be posted on the school blog shortly.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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