World Book Day 2018

Next Friday, 2nd March, we will be taking part in World Book Day. The children will receive a letter tomorrow with details about it and look out for the £1 book token in their bags next Friday. We’re hoping that some parents or grandparents can join us to share their favourite story!

Goodbye Mrs Moran

Today, we said a fond farewell to Mrs Moran. Mrs Moran has a new teaching job in a school closer to where she lives. She has been at Aitkenhead for nine and a half years and we will all miss her very much, especially P1! We wish you every success for the future, Mrs Moran.

School Closure

NLC have announced that due to forecast worsening weather, schools will close to pupils from 1pm today (Friday 19th January).  Children should be collected from 12pm and must be collected from the office by an adult. We are trying to send this information to parents via text however there seems to be a problem with this service.  If you see this message could you please pass this information on to

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Christmas Fayre

Our Parent Council are once again hosting a Christmas Fayre for us! It’s taking place next Thursday, 30th November. Well done to Alix from P6 and Skye from P5 for designing our poster for us.

Jack and the Beanstalk

All of the classes enjoyed a trip to Motherwell Civic Theatre this afternoon to watch the pantomime. Erin from P4 and Adam from P3 even managed to get on the stage with Billy to sing a song! It’s put us in the mood for our own show now, tickets on sale from today!  

P6 Paper Technology

Today’s challenge was to make a Pudsey or Blush slider pop-up. No template was given so pupils needed to draw their own bear. Some pupils instantly exclaimed, “I can’t draw!” However as you can see from the results, these pupils were wrong. Everyone left with a bear that has a sliding mouth to show different emotions. I hope you and your Pudsey or Blush are smiling tonight because our school

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Jack and the Beanstalk

On Tuesday, 21 November the whole school will be visiting Motherwell Civic Theatre for the production of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children are allowed to bring a small snack to eat while they watch the pantomime. We will be returning to school around 4pm. Remember that Monday is an inservice day for teachers only!