Primary 5 Health and Wellbeing

Primary 5 have been looking at the effects of smoking on the lungs.  Here’s a note of the video clips we were talking about.  If you’ve time take a look at these and we’ll have a chat about them on Monday. (youtube) How smoking wrecks your lungs must see this (Daily Mail) Watch what smoking really does to the lungs (youtube) Smoking and its effects on health – stop today

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Primary 5 Technology

Here are Primary 5 enjoying their Technology Challenge at last week’s Parent Open Morning. They worked in their cooperative learning groups to assemble and trial a water wheel, a bit like the one used at New Lanark! All of the water wheels were operational by the end of the session!

New Playground Equipment

The children are having a brilliant time using all of the new playground games and equipment that have recently been purchased. The playground has been divided into zones for different activities and there is a rotation system in place to give the classes turns in each zone. If the children choose to, they can play football, basketball, tig or use the trim trail. However if they’d prefer to use the

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Dojo Delirium in Primary 5

A whole host of young witches and wizards achieved the magic number of eighty this week! Congratulations to all of you! We are now thinking ahead to our next target of one hundred and sixty! Let’s see how many of you get there before the summer holidays!

Parent Council AGM 2018

The Parent Council held their AGM on Thursday, 8th March. It was a very successful night and here you can see the new Parent Council for the forthcoming year. Seated are our office bearers from left to right: Suzanne McMillan (Treasurer), George Karyotis (Depute Chair), Julie Miller (Chairperson) and Lynn McKinnon (Secretary). We welcomed two other new members, Julie Greig and Lynn Cullen. We must also thank those members who

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Change of Date – World Book Day

Lots of the children have been asking about World Book Day so we have decided to reschedule it for Thursday, 29th March. This will still allow the children to wear any costumes they may have (or pyjamas if they’d prefer). If you are a parent who had offered to read a story to a group of children in your child’s class, please contact the school if you are able to make the new

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